Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Our last busy weekend?

And a fairly uneventful one at that. This park is attended by a lot of locals, and many of the locals are involved in farming. This is the week when harvest begins to take place, and so the farmers and usually their families as well are busy.

Even too busy to take time off to go camping on weekends!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I can't see this working...

I read an article the other day that Ontario Provincial Parks are experimenting with a plan to bring people RV'ing who don't own an RV.

Yes, they are renting out "trailer equipped" campsites.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Jeju Island

We've been spending a little more time planning our month of October in Korea. One of the places we're wanting to visit is called Jeju Island.

Many of you will remember the horrible ferry disaster that occurred in April of this year when 300 people were killed. This ferry had been heading from the Korean mainland to Jeju Island.

Friday, August 8, 2014

How to make Jamaica (a cool refreshing drink!)

Jamaica (pronounced in Spanish as Ha-Mike-Ah) is a popular cold drink in Mexico. Sometimes known as Hibiscus Tea in other parts of the world, because it's made from the flowers of the hibiscus plant.

We really like this drink, and Ruth found that she can buy the dried flowers at Bulk Barn here in Canada.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lost my keys!

I did find them again, so no need to panic. But it's not a good feeling while they're missing, that's for sure.

I have this one pair of pants that don't have very good pockets in the front. So I had been putting my keys in my back pocket, which isn't really very comfortable when you go to sit down! And I'm used to putting my keys in my right front pocket.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

One employee gone...

First of all, thanks for all of the comments and ideas regarding yesterday's post topic. I'm certainly going to have to do some further research on the topic, and that's going to involve actually going out to look at some of these products in person to see exactly what they look and feel like in person.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Our old laptops

Wow...slept in this morning! Ruth looks at the clock and says "that can't be right!". It was 7:45am!

But it was correct. It's a bit of a dull morning with some rain, so it wasn't very bright outside. Plus, I had been up until 11:30pm or so counting the weekend's receipts to be handed in, so I guess I was tired.

Monday, August 4, 2014

A day in the life of campground managers

Ruth was up around 7:00am yesterday. I was closer to 7:30am. Slept like a rock. I had called the RCMP and asked if they could do a drive through late Saturday evening, and apparently they had done so. They even called back and left a message that everything was okay.

After the fireworks, most people had called it a night, so we were a little surprised that it was a fairly quiet Saturday night considering it was a long weekend and we're full up.

But yesterday during the day was busy for us.

Sunday, August 3, 2014


I'm impressed that individual campers in a little regional park like this can raise $2,000 in private donations to put on a spectacular fireworks show.

And word gets out, and people came from miles around to watch the show. I heard several regulars saying that the park had never been so full. And, we had no late night problems last night!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Three drunks and a fire ring

Wow, busy day yesterday. And the campground is full. We got everybody checked in okay, with one exception. Turned out okay, but it could have been a pain.

So this one lady checked in to a tenting site that she had reserved. She asked for a load of firewood to be delivered, but when Russell went to drop it off, he said the site was empty.

Friday, August 1, 2014

July Expenses

Wow, today is the first day of August! Time is flying. We are 3/5 of the way through our contract here. And after this weekend, the park will be slowly emptying out over the next six weeks.

July expenses were pretty much right on schedule, in fact we had a pretty cheap month.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Finally made it out onto the lake!

Went out on a three hour boat trip yesterday evening. Great to finally get out on the lake and see what's around the corner!

The more we see of this little part of Saskatchewan, the more we like it. Took lots of pics for a change, so enjoy...

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What's important to you?

Just curious what it is that makes for a great campground?

As campground managers, we know what we like and we try to implement those things into the park that we're running. But our ideas are ours alone, and we know that we don't always think like your typical RVer!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

8 Reasons You Should Take an RV Vacation

Before we got into the RV lifestyle, we used to be tent campers. We took a lot of camping vacations with our children, including one two week long excursion to Newfoundland, Canada.

It was a lot of fun. But when it rained, or there were too many bugs, we were envious of the people in the RV's!

Our Oasis on the Prairies

This place where we are working really is a little oasis. Surrounded by the farm fields of the Saskatchewan prairies, you wouldn't even know it exists until you're almost here.

Yesterday, we went for a walk around the hills surrounding the park.