Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Where were you thirteen years ago?

Today is the thirteenth anniversary of the day the World Trade Center was attacked. Hard to believe it's been that long.

Certainly, it's one of those events that you'll never forget where you were when it happened.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

We are officially Saskatchewan residents!

Sorry for the delayed report today. We had a lot to do on our weekly trip into town today, and wouldn't you know it...we slept in!

I know, getting up at 7:45 am isn't really sleeping in to a lot of people, but it is to us. Usually, we're up before seven. But I guess the near freezing temperature outside (!!) must have made us just want to stay in bed.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Looking at North Korea

One of the interesting things about planning a visit to South Korea is the fact that it is technically still at war...with North Korea.

Although there was an armistice agreement signed in 1953 in order to provide for a formal ceasefire until a final peaceful settlement, there has never actually been a final peaceful settlement. Part of the armistice agreement called for a four kilometer (2.5 mile) wide buffer zone along the border in order to physically separate the two sides.

We're thinking of a visit to that zone!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The last beautiful day?

What a gorgeous weekend we had. Good thing we enjoyed it because it's wet and cold this morning and they're calling for a high of only 10C (50F) today and 7C (45F) tomorrow. Brrr!

Yesterday was warm and sunny and not a cloud in the sky. So we went for a hike!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

It was the coffee!

Our regular readers know that we don't eat any food containing gluten. Ruth has been eating that way for about four years now, and the twenty years worth of associated problems essentially disappeared. I've only been eating that way since last November, and while I definitely noticed an improvement, things still weren't just right.

Without getting into graphic detail, the problem related to the nutritious portion of what you eat not being fully absorbed by the other words, the food goes pretty much right through you.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Busy day planning for upcoming travel!

We spent a lot of time on the internet yesterday. Let me tell you about some of the things we have planned for our upcoming travels.

A lot of our planning time is spent online dealing with tourist boards in the cities and countries that we are going to be visiting. And various companies like to work with us too. It benefits them, and it benefits us. But it's a lot of work!

Friday, September 5, 2014

We have a winner!

Happy to announce the winner of our $100 gift card that was being given away by our partners at Cathay Pacific Airlines.

Picked by a random number generator was the email address of Doug Maus of South Dakota!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I saw the weather forecast and let out a little yelp. Now, we have to remember this is the long term forecast, but next week it looks like it's going to get chilly around here!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Out on the lake

Yesterday morning, we were invited out on the lake for a couple of hours.

Sharon and Arnie ran the canteen and concession here at the park and of course they work pretty long hours during the summer. Now that the hard work is pretty much over, they're taking this week to relax a little bit and wanted to spend some time on their pontoon boat so they invited us to join them. The park is so quiet with everybody back to work and school that we decided to relax a bit too!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Doing the Happy Dance

Ruth woke up yesterday morning, came into the kitchen, and started to dance. She said she was doing the "happy dance"!

Why? Well because most of the campers were pulling out of the park and we would be back to peace and quiet.

Monday, September 1, 2014

August Expenses

Well, we called for August to be our least expensive month of this year, and I'm pretty sure that it will be tough to beat over the next four months.

We only spent $763 in the month of August.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

One last hurrah!

Labour Day Weekend. The weekend that typically signals the end of summer here in Canada. So for any people who like to go camping, this is the last opportunity. Many people have children who go back to school on Tuesday, and then they'll get back into their regular schedules and the RV will be put away for the season.

So, our park is pretty busy with end of season campers!

Friday, August 29, 2014

A hunter, I am not.

Ruth took the little blue car into town the other day to do our weekly grocery shopping. She went alone. Or at least she thought she did.

Turns out she had a passenger.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Travel Photo Roulette - We have a winner!

Last week, we hosted the 85th edition of Travel Photo Roulette. Lots of interesting entries, and we had to deliberate a bit to choose the winner.

You can view the entries here...

Free $100 Amazon Gift card!

The other day, we told you about Cathay Pacific Airlines. And readers of Travel with Kevin and Ruth are very astute and would have noticed at the bottom of that article that Cathay Pacific has partnered with us to sponsor a giveaway.

And what a giveaway it is!