Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Quartzsite to Yuma

We packed up and hit the road yesterday morning. We had bought a 14 day LTVA (long term visitor area) pass for $40 ($50 CDN) so that we are able to camp on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) property for 14 consecutive days and be able to use their water and dump station facilities.

So, the first thing we did when we left was to empty our holding tanks, and fill with fresh water.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The highest mountain overlooking Quartzsite

It was a rare rainy afternoon here in the desert yesterday. We had been told to expect just enough rain to make your windshield dirty, but we got a lot more than that.

Fortunately, we picked a window of time to go for a hike where it just spit on us a little bit. We left Sherman at about 9:50am, and set out to hike the highest mountain overlooking Quartzsite!

Monday, January 26, 2015

What we bought at the RV show

One of the reasons we came to Quartzsite was that we figured we might get some deals on things that we need and want for Sherman. A few repair and maintenance items, and a few things that we simply wanted. But we had a list, and we've now crossed quite a few things off that list!

So yesterday morning, we drove back and parked so that we were walking distance to the show, about 1/2 a mile away.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

A fun afternoon visiting with other RV'ing bloggers

A few weeks back, I think we were in Mazatlan at the time, I read on somebody else's blog that there was going to be an "official" gathering of bloggers during the time of the Quartzsite RV show. The date was to be January 24th.

We were already planning on being in the area around that time, so decided we wanted to meet some of the folks we regularly read about.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Big Quartzsite RV Show

Okay, so the big deal here at Quartzsite is the RV show taking place this week. We're here partly because Sherman needs some repair and maintenance items and this seemed to be a good place to get them, and at a decent price.

Overall, I'm a little disappointed so far.

Friday, January 23, 2015

You just have to give your head a shake

We were up early yesterday. We wanted to do a load of laundry while at the RV Park, but although the laundry room was open at 6:00am, we didn't have any change! So we had to wait for the office to open at 8:30am.

By the time we got it all done and were ready to leave, it was 10:30am!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

A new computer!

We left the Home Depot in Nogales, and our first stop was for gasoline! Sherman's tank was running dry. I used to check out the lowest fuel prices in the area, and found a nearby station at $1.759 per gallon ($0.582 per litre CDN).

Man, that is getting to be some cheap gas!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hello Arizona!

Yep, we crossed the border yesterday afternoon. Sherman has never been to Arizona before! Can you imagine, we've been traveling in a motorhome on and off for eight years now, and we've never explored Arizona...the winter RV'ing destination of the world.

So, that's why we're explore Arizona (and maybe some of California and Nevada) over the next couple of months.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A nine hour driving marathon!

Holy cow, what a day we had yesterday.

We knew it might be a long day, because we were going to try to get to Hermosillo. It was going to be a 433 km (268 miles) drive, and part of it was through the mountains. What we didn't realize was how slow going that would be!

Monday, January 19, 2015

To the bottom of Basaseachi Canyon

We set out yesterday morning at about 10:30am for what we figured would be a three or four hour hike. Turned out that we were gone for five and a half hours! Pretty quiet for the morning part of the hike, and when we got to the bottom of the canyon at the base of Mexico's highest waterfall, we were the only ones there.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The highest waterfall in Mexico!

Yesterday, we drove from Creel to Basaseachi Falls National Park. It's not a long distance, only about 130 kms (81 miles) so we didn't leave until about 9:30am. But I knew that it was going to be a slow drive. The road used to be just a narrow dirt road through the mountains and it was only paved within the last 5 years.

Sure enough, it took us almost three hours to do 130 kms (81 miles)!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Six days to Quartzsite

Hard to believe that in six days we'll be in Quartzsite, Arizona. We're still 1,300 kms (800 miles) away! But, using our normal driving average of 200 kms per day, we'll be there no problem.

So yesterday, we drove from Areponapuchi back to Creel. Only 50 kms (30 miles) but it takes an hour because the road is pretty curvy. We decided to stop for the night back at the old KOA campground in Creel.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Spot the dog!

One of the local dogs has taken a liking to us, and so when we went for a 4 hour hike into the canyon yesterday, we had some company. We nicknamed him Spot, because of the large black spot he has on the left side his back. Spot was a great hiking companion.

We do sometimes miss having a dog with us, but we're still quite happy to enjoy other people's dogs for the time being.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A change of scenery for Sherman

We had such a quiet night parked up overlooking the canyon. A truly fantastic boondocking spot. We had hot chocolate and then breakfast, and then decided to walk the rim of the canyon here at Divisadero.

It's about 3 kms (1.8 miles) from the Divisadero viewing point along the rim to the cable car and activities center.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yesterday...more spectacular stuff!

Yes, the rest of our day yesterday was just as spectacular as the first part.

We had asked about doing the longest zip line in the world, and the cable car in the canyon. It turns out that they're doing scheduled maintenance on them today and tomorrow, so if we really wanted to do them, we would pretty much have to do them yesterday.