Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The package arrived!

Actually, it was there the entire time! The shipper had made an error, and had listed my name on the package instead of our friend Doug's name. So of course we're all looking for a package addressed to Doug, not me! When Doug went down to check on them, it was purely by chance that he noticed a package with the last name "Read" on it, and they realized it was mine.

So, that all came together, and it wasn't Amazon's fault, nor was it the fault of the USPS.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The missing package...

We had ordered two packages from Amazon. The orders were placed at exactly the same time, and with exactly the same delivery instructions. But, one was fulfilled directly through Amazon, and the other was coming from an independent supplier.

One package arrived on time. The other one hasn't arrived at all.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Historic San Remo Hotel in San Francisco

We spent five fantastic days in San Francisco back at the beginning of November. Only a short while after that, our laptop gave up, and we thought we had lost all of those photos!

Fortunately, we now have those photos back, and so we're doing a couple of extra posts right now that we wanted to have a record of on the blog. And, we had promised to tell you about where we stayed and why, and so this post is to tell you about the historic San Remo Hotel.

A great birthday!

First of all, thanks for all the comments and birthday wishes yesterday. You've given us some great ideas of places to stop along the way over the next few weeks to make our Arizona trip all the better. We are especially looking forward to Canyon de Chelly, which we had never heard of before.

We'll probably get back on the road Tuesday!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Figuring an Arizona route...

We don't really need to have a plan, but we really should figure our approximate route of exploration over the next five weeks or so. After all, we came to Arizona to explore the state.

We sort of rushed our way from Nogales to Quartzsite in order to attend the "blogger-fest" on January 24th, and since then we've been doing some relaxing and visiting, and attending to some of Sherman's repairs and upgrades.

But we're already thinking about moving along, so we made a loose plan.

Friday, February 6, 2015

A visit with Judy at the Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Judy operates a popular blog at Travels with Emma and she does volunteer work at the various National Wildlife Refuges around the country. She travels with her dog Emma!

Our regular readers will remember when we did a blogger interview with Judy in 2013. We had met her for a few minutes at the blogger-fest a couple of weeks ago, but we wanted to visit the refuge and spend some more time together.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Easier said than done...

We had made plans to go for a morning bicycle ride with Doug, who lives in his fifth wheel near where we're parked here at Imperial Dam. We said that we would be there around 9:00am, but our fridge burner had been acting up over night and now that we have a replacement I decided to change it before we left for the bike ride.

But it was easier said than done!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A great camping spot!

Our nearest neighbor is at least half a mile away. Just the way we like it.

We were excited to finally meet a long time reader of this blog. Doug has been a loyal daily reader for years. You've probably seen him comment as "Dugg". He lives here in his fifth wheel during the winter and knows the area well, so he said he would choose a camping spot for us. And being a long time reader, he knows what we like!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Sherman has a new awning!

We drove Sherman over to an empty lot near where our friends Geoff and Fran have their motorhome parked. Geoff had offered to help me install our new awning fabric to save the $150 installation fee that the awning guys at Quartzsite wanted to do the job.

If a penny saved is a penny earned, then I earned $50 an hour yesterday for the three hours it took to complete the job!

Monday, February 2, 2015

A four wheel drive adventure!

Great fun yesterday as we went out into the desert on a four wheel drive adventure with our friends Geoff and Fran. They bought a book that lists trail routes that are accessible only with a 4x4 vehicle, and so they took us out to one of the listed routes, the Dripping Springs Trail.

Then, we drove out to see one of only two natural stands of palm trees that grow in Arizona.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

January Expenses

Well we're glad that month is over! The pocketbook (and the credit card) took a big hit. Definitely one of our more expensive months, but we got a lot of things done that simply needed to be done.

We spent $3,547.63. Yikes! (Note, all dollar amounts are listed in Canadian dollars which dropped like a rock throughout the month and just keeps getting worse).

Finally, our propane adapter installed!

We started yesterday morning with a bike ride. Happy to be a two bicycle family again, and both of them with good tires and working properly!

There's not a lot to see in the town of Quartzsite, but there were a couple of areas that are worth a visit.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

More dental work, and then back to Quartzsite

We kind of changed our plans a little and came back to Quartzsite a couple of days earlier than we had originally planned. This way, we can hopefully go for our jeep tour with friends on Sunday, and then do our awning fabric installation Monday morning.

And after that, we have no plans for the next several weeks, so we'll be able to take our time visiting and exploring as we please without feeling to need to be somewhere!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Blogging visitors!

We had made arrangements to have visitors over yesterday afternoon, so we took advantage of our free time in the morning to go for a hike to the top of the little mountain beside Pilot Knob LTVA.

It's a relatively steep hike, but from the time we left Sherman to the time we were at the top was only 45 minutes. We took a different route coming back down.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Not the smoothest day

Sometimes everything goes according to plan, and sometimes it doesn't!

Yesterday was a "doesn't" day!

First problem was that we didn't get the earliest start, and that was nobody's fault but our own. We set out just after 9:30am, and the plan was to ride our bikes on the dirt road that goes around the mountain and hooks up to the road going across the border.