Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Almost caught in a storm!

We're getting caught up on our three days away from internet, so if you missed this morning's post you can read it here...

The following was written Wednesday, Feb 25th 7:30am.

Back to civilization!

Just back online after three days in a remote campground. So we have to get you all caught up! We'll start here, and post again later today with another update...

Written Tuesday, Feb 24th 7:30am

Yesterday morning, we said goodbye to our great free campsite overlooking Roosevelt Lake. We had seen and done everything we wanted to in the area, so no point in hanging around just for the sake of it.

After all, Sherman has wheels and we have more exploring to do!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Spring is in the air!

I know that those of you in the north eastern part of the continent don't believe it, but here in the Arizona desert, they are saying that we're in for an early spring!

And on our guided hike yesterday at Tonto National Monument, the wildflowers were blooming.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Glad we have the bikes again

One of the reasons we don't tow the little blue car when we're traveling with the motorhome is that we like to use our bicycles. And if we had a car with us, I know that we wouldn't use the bicycles as often as we do.

Yesterday (and today) was a good example of that!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

What's around the next corner?

A bit of an overcast day yesterday, but still nice...high of around 75F (24C).

We decided to go for a walk, and left around 11:00am. We weren't planning on being gone long...just heading up the road that leads towards the mountain in behind where we're parked. Still, Ruth brought the small backpack with water and snacks because we have been known to get sidetracked sometimes!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Why do they make it so confusing?!

Yesterday morning, we got up and started driving right away. We were in a cellular dead spot where we had parked in Mammoth, so we had no internet. It was the first time our Verizon mi-fi had let us down.

Plus, by putting on a few miles right away we could use Sherman's engine heat to warm us up instead of using up  propane.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

An encounter with the police...

We wanted to get a fairly early start yesterday morning, but we had invited John and Jane for breakfast. Ruth makes the best gluten free pancakes! Too bad we didn't have any maple syrup left. But we did have honey, strawberry jam from Mexico, and a tart cherry jam that we had just bought the other day.

They came over at the prearranged time of 8:30am, and we one last get together.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The World's Largest Airplane Boneyard

We went for a bicycle ride yesterday with Janie and John from Flamingo on a Stick. Tucson has a really good system of cycling trails, so we looked at the map and decided on a route that would take us around Davis-Montham Airforce Base, and the largest boneyard of airplanes in the world.

They have a pickup truck, so we loaded up the bicycles, and off we went!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum

This is not really a "museum". It's kind of a cross between a museum, a zoo, a botanical garden, and an aquarium. Plus, 85% of it takes place outdoors.

The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum came highly recommended by a few of our readers, and it's one of the top attractions in the Tucson area. So, we decided to check it out.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Busy day with new friends!

We had made plans to get together with Grace and Steve, a couple who we've been in contact with quite a bit over the years. You may have noticed Grace commenting here occasionally as "Grace (in Tucson)" as she's been a regular reader here for as long as I can remember, and she's also on our personal facebook friends list.

Like we really are friends, who simply hadn't met in person yet!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Made it to Tucson, Arizona

Yesterday we did the 145 mile (232 km) drive from Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument to the city of Tucson (pop 526,000).

Uneventful drive through the desert. I've never been much of a desert person, although it's growing on me a little bit. I still much prefer a more varied landscape, even if it comes at the cost of slightly lower temperatures.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Almost bit off more than we could chew...

Yesterday, we had signed up for the 1:00pm shuttle that would take us to a trailhead on the Senita Basin leading to the Milton Mine and the Baker Mine at Organ Pipe National Monument. We had a trail map, and enough supplies, but I still thought it was not a very logical time of day to be starting a long hike in the desert.

It would have been okay, if everything went according to plan!

Friday, February 13, 2015

A taste of what the illegals feel

Many illegal aliens cross the Mexican border into the U.S. through the Sonoran Desert into Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. In fact, there are signs warning of the possibility of encounters with the migrants if you're out on the hiking trails, and of course a lot of border guard activity as well.

What a trip it must be for these people. No wonder some of them give up! Unfortunately, many don't give up. They simply die.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The difference between a National Park, and a National Monument

We arrived at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument at around 10:30am. It was only a 45 minute drive south from the town of Ajo where we had spent the night before. We had purposely planned to arrive as early as possible to give us the most time to enjoy the area while we're paying for a campsite.

Our first stop was the Visitor's Center in order to find out what programs were included with our cost of admission, and to pick up a hiking map.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Enjoying Ajo, Arizona

As we drove into the town of Ajo, Arizona (pop 3,500) on the left hand side, Ruth spotted a Napa Auto Parts store that was also advertising "RV Supplies and Repair".

I had bought a new burner for our fridge, but when I went to replace it the other day I found that they had changed the design a little and I needed a different fitting on the flared gas line that attaches to the burner.

So I stopped in to see if they could adapt the line for me.