Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Monday, March 9, 2015

It's not the Destination - It's the Journey!

It was only a couple of months ago that we experienced Mexico's fantastic Copper Canyon by train. And we loved it! Riding the rails while looking at gorgeous scenery under clear blue skies just can't be beat. So when we were invited to see the Verde Canyon (often called Arizona's other Grand Canyon!) the same way, we jumped at the opportunity.

Verde Canyon Railroad has been operating scenic tours of the canyon since 1990. An average of 90,000 people per year take this relaxing 4 hour trip. They can add two more this year!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The most interesting thing you'll see that day.

If you visit the Gold King Mine and Ghost Town, located only a mile up the road from Jerome, Arizona, it will be without a doubt the most interesting thing you'll see that day.

We had asked the owner, Don Robertson, if we could park overnight in their big level lot and he said that was no problem. When we woke up the next morning, we waited until the 10:00am opening dynamite blast (at least that's what it sounded like!) and then we wandered over to explore.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Overnight in Jerome, Arizona

We were told that there is nowhere to park a motorhome overnight in Jerome, Arizona. And that's pretty much true. But, we did find a nice level spot less than a mile away.

Jerome is an interesting place, and certainly worth a visit.

Not recommended for motorhomes...

When Sherman hears something like this, it's just a challenge for him!

Besides. Highway 89A from Prescott through Jerome, and up to Sedona is a scenic highway, and we wouldn't want to miss something like that! And Sherman has lots of experience with mountain roads, and we're not towing anything so we figured it would be no problem.

And we were right.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Anybody been to one of the Carefree RV Resorts?

When we were asked to write about an RV resort, I almost turned down the opportunity. Because any of our regular readers know that this type of place is simply not our style. We're much more into the great outdoors and being away from it all when we're RV'ing.

However, I know that there are many different ways to enjoy the RV lifestyle, and that staying at an RV resort is a very popular thing to do. So I was curious as to how many of our regular readers would actually be interested in this type of place.

Practice makes perfect...

Another gorgeous day yesterday. Yes, we have to put up with cooler nights, but with sunshine and daytime highs around 60F (15C) are perfect hiking weather up here at Prescott, Arizona. The desert was nice, but I'll take this anytime. I like trees and mountains and greenery.

We've been doing a decent hike nearly every second day lately, and now when we look at a trail that's 10 miles (16 kms) long, we don't even think twice.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Winter Camping!

It was a beautiful sunny morning yesterday, so before we hit the road we went for another hike. Black Canyon Trail is a great place to stop for a short or long walk because the trailhead is right beside Interstate 17 at Black Canyon City just north of Phoenix.

But the trail runs through a river bed that's normally dry at this time of year.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Enough of the big city - back on the road!

We enjoyed our time with Jeff and Star (thanks again guys!), and our first experience with Boondockers Welcome , however we had had enough of the big city. So fortunately, the cold, wet, rainy, windy, and snowy weather system to the north of us has now passed by, and we were happy to be able to head out yesterday morning.

Still, it took us hours to get out of the built up area. We had a few stops to make along the way...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Biggest Booze store ever!

Our Boondockers Welcome hosts, Jeff and Star, had to stock up their booze cupboard, so we went along with Jeff to the biggest booze store ever. Well, I don't know about that for sure, but I am pretty sure it's the biggest booze store we've ever been in.

And great prices too, so we did some stocking up of our own!

Monday, March 2, 2015

February Expenses

Well that was a little better!

Coming off the almost record high month of January's expenses where we did a lot of driving and bought a lot of RV items as well as a new laptop, just about anything would be better.

And it ended up that we spent $1,200 USD ($1,568 CAD)...a full $2,000 less than we spent in January! Let's have a look at how it all broke down...

The big Mesa flea market

Our hosts Jeff and Star were taking us to the big Mesa flea market, but Star has a bad foot and decided it would be too much walking for her. But Jeff said he still wanted to go, so off we went!

Mesa sure takes up a big area. In fact, the whole Phoenix metro area just doesn't seem to stop. There are somewhere around 4.5 million people!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Great first experience with Boondockers Welcome

Yesterday, we drove down from Payson to Mesa to escape a cold front weather system that was forecast to eliminate the sunshine from Payson for the better part of five days. We could have dealt with the colder temperatures...but our electricity supply comes from our batteries, and when there is no sun, our solar panels can't charge our batteries!

And there was definitely no sun when we woke up yesterday morning!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Heading south!

Yep, with this cold front coming through with wind and rain, we're turning around! Heading down to Mesa for the next four or five days to wait for the weather to improve. It's only about a two hour drive, so it's not putting us out of our way too much.

We did enjoy our day yesterday here in Payson though...and it ended with a bang!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Heading north!

Which it turns out is not such a good idea.

Our plan was to spend some time at  higher altitudes and get out of the desert for a while. You know, fresh air, pine trees...that sort of thing.

So yesterday, we drove from 2,100 ft to our current location at Payson, Arizona at around the 5,000 ft mark.

Last day at Burnt Corral Campground

Almost caught up on the blog posts. We'll do another one later this afternoon, and then we'll be current again!

This post was written Thursday Feb 26th 7:30am.