Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Usually, we win. But sometimes...

We've had three beautiful boondocking sites in a row, and so I guess we were due for a bad one.

It wasn't so much that it was bad, it was just so difficult to find a suitable overnight spot near Jackson, Wyoming...and then when we did get all settled, we almost got kicked out!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lots of boondocking opportunities

Yesterday, we did 139 miles (222 kms) and saw lots of opportunity for free camping. Again, it's too bad that we can't take advantage of these spots, but we know now that we'll have to make it back to this area again.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

1,000 miles from home

Yesterday, we did another 151 miles (242 kms) and when I sat down to calculate the remaining distance to our home at Cabri, Saskatchewan the GPS told me that it was exactly 1,000 miles (1,600 kms).

Speaking of miles, Sherman's odometer clicked over to 80,000 miles (128,000 kms) yesterday. And, he'll be 20 years old this year! He's still lookin' pretty good, isn't he?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Camping at 8,000 feet!

(This is the second blog post today because we're getting caught up from not having any internet access. You can see the earlier post here if you missed it.)

We left Kodachrome Basin State Park yesterday (Tuesday) at around 9:00am, but without any idea as to where to stop for the night. We're trying to do minimum 120 miles (200 kms) per day, but there's so much to see along the way.

A great day in Kodachrome Basin State Park

(Written Tuesday April 21st)

We thought we were meeting for a 9:00am group hike yesterday morning, and we were there on time. But I guess some people thought it was 10:00am, and so it was after 9:30am by the time everyone was ready. That's the problem with doing group activities! Anyway, we finally got out on the trails.

There are a lot of hiking trails here at Kodachrome Basin State Park, and not very many people.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Arrived at Kodachrome Basin State Park

(Written Monday April 20, 8:00am).

We left Zion National Park on Sunday at just before 8:00am, heading for Kodachrome Basin State Park. We had to go through a 1.1 mile (1.8 km) long tunnel, and because we are wider than 7'6", we had to buy a tunnel pass for $15 USD (19 CAD) and they close the tunnel to opposing traffic so that we drive right through the middle. The tunnel only opens at 8:00am.

There was surprisingly little traffic.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fantastic 8 mile (13 km) hike in Zion National Park

Up at 6:00am yesterday (Saturday) morning. This was a special free entrance weekend at National Parks in the United States, so we expected things to be a lot busier than normal. The first shuttle bus leaves the visitor's center at 7:00am, so we wanted to be as close to that as possible.

We ended up on the 7:30am shuttle, and we were at the trailhead for 8:00am.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

More fantastic scenery in Utah's Zion National Park

We've got a nice campsite, and we don't have to be in Kodachrome State Park until tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon, so we've decided to stay here a third night. Not really much to tell other than we've been enjoying perfect weather and fantastic scenery.

So, let's let the photos tell most of the story...

Friday, April 17, 2015

Campground Full? Not quite...

Lots of fantastic scenery yesterday. Too many pictures to sort through, but you are get to see only the best of the bunch!

The plan almost didn't come together though. Let me explain...

Thursday, April 16, 2015

My Amazon system works!

Last month, I wrote about a way to "trick" into sending your packages by USPS (U.S. Postal Service) rather than by a courier such as Fedex or UPS. You can read that post here...

Yesterday, we drove to Mesquite, Nevada where I had purposely had a package sent to the post office there.

Happy to report that the system works perfectly!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Back with our motorhome!

It was a bit of a long travel day, but it's over with now and we're totally happy to be back with our motorhome here in Las Vegas. Again, we're only in Las Vegas for the convenience of using the we're leaving today.

We'll be heading northeast up to Mesquite, Nevada where we've got some packages waiting for us at the post office, and then into Utah. Looking forward to seeing some of Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks, and we'll also be staying at Kodachrome Basin State Park for a couple of nights.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Up at 4:00am...

But it's not bad getting up at that hour when you know you're going on a trip! Still, that's a little early. But, the hour long drive to Halifax airport went by quickly, and then we didn't have long to wait for our flight  to Philadelphia.

We're doing the milk run today...Halifax - Philadelphia, Philadelphia - Dallas, and Dallas - Las Vegas.

Three flights, plus a four hour time change makes for a bit of a long day. But, before we know it, we'll be back in the motorhome this evening and we'll be out exploring again on Wednesday!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Life is a funny proposition

Finally, a beautiful spring day up here in Nova Scotia and we took advantage of it by spending some outdoors time at the Ross Farm Museum.

We actually had overnighted with the motorhome at the Ross Farm Museum back in May of 2011. Things were a little greener back then!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A week is just about right...

It's fun being a grandparent, but a week alone with the grandkids is just about enough. I think that we forget the amount of work involved with looking after little ones. Man, it takes an extra half hour or so just to get out the door to take them somewhere.

Thankfully, our daughter and her husband return from Cuba this evening, and they can take over once again!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Dreaming of Fiji

It's another dreary day here in Nova Scotia, so when we were give the opportunity to write about a far away tropical destination we figured it would be a great diversion! So we did some research into visiting the South Pacific island nation of Fiji, and after looking at all of the options, Fiji is definitely on our list of places to spend a month or so!

Today's header picture alone is enough to brighten up my day.