Multi use pathway beside the Bow River at Cochrane, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The caravan has arrived!

After Thursday's hiking marathon, we needed a day to rest. So other than doing a few buckets of laundry, we spent much of yesterday just relaxing. In fact, we never left the RV Park.

And then of course we were expecting visitors. Lots of visitors!

Around 2:30pm, they arrived. Ten RV's, traveling in a caravan. We were looking forward to meeting this group of people who have been together since January 9th.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Well, that was an adventure!

"Why don't we walk from the RV Park to Guanajuato".

Said nobody. Ever.

That is, until we arrived here.

We were in the mood for a hike, and we saw a mountain in the distance, in the direction of the city of Guanajuato. I don't think we originally planned to walk all the way to the city, but somewhere along the line, Ruth said "Instead of returning the way we came, we could hike all the way to the city, and then take the bus home".

And this is exactly what we did...but it wasn't one of our better ideas.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Guanajuato is an amazing city!

We did some laundry yesterday morning. Remember I had said there was a laundry room here at the RV Park? Well there is. But it's not for the use of the campers! Go figure. The guy says that it's for their use to wash the linens for the little hotel here. Then, he offered to have someone come and do our laundry for 35 pesos per kilo. For perspective, we normally pay between 12-16 pesos per kilo.

Good thing we have our Breathing Mobile RV Clothes Washer with us!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The plan for the next month

Yesterday, we left the Oasis Balneario at about 11:00am, but it was about 1:30pm by the time we actually got on the road towards Guanajuato because we stopped in Dolores Hidalgo to do a big grocery shop and go to the bank.

After that, it was only about 80 kms (50 miles) to our destination.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Why won't they pick up the litter?

Yesterday was a national holiday here in Mexico (Constitution Day), and we hadn't realized that until we saw them filling the big swimming pool again. Actually, they hadn't emptied the pool on Sunday. When they filled it, they didn't fill it to the top. Yesterday, they added enough water to fill it to the top, and warmed it up in the process.

Not many people though. After all, it's winter!

Monday, February 1, 2016

January Expenses

Wow, another month done already. Only three months from today and we will be back at Cabri Park in Saskatchewan. Time flies when you're having fun!

Okay, on to our January expense report. It wasn't a bad month, although we overspent in just about every category. Not by much, but a little in each category adds up! We spent a total of $1,506 CAD for the month.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Best thing we ever did

Someone asked a question on a facebook forum as to what was the best RV modification/upgrade that you have done. Well, the best thing we ever did was to add solar panels to the roof and a decent battery system to the motorhome. Given the cost of a new RV, I can't figure why they don't come with solar panels and a decent battery system right from the factory. But, of course everybody has their own idea of how much electricity they need, so I guess it's better kept as an aftermarket installed option.

We love being self sufficient for electricity! That's what allows us to sit in one spot like we are now without having to listen to the daily drone of a generator.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

We were right...

This is a very quiet peaceful spot to hang out for a few days. That could change today and tomorrow as they fill the big hot springs pool, but even if it does get a little busy, it won't bother us. We enjoy seeing people out having fun.

It turns out that this place is very busy during busy season. I was talking to our host yesterday and he said that when Semana Santa (Easter holy week) begins, the place gets as many as 800 visitors a day.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Back to the countryside!

We walked to the market one last time before leaving Dolores Hidalgo yesterday morning. Picked up a kilo of fresh tortillas for 12 pesos ($0.96 CAD), and a kilo of lean ground beef for 140 pesos ($11.20 CAD).

We hadn't asked for the price ahead of time, since ground beef has never been that expensive. But 140 pesos per kilo for ground beef is getting up there. Had we asked in advance, we probably would have shopped around a bit.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lunch at the local market

We went for a walk around town. Dolores Hidalgo (pop 55,000) is not a huge place and we really didn't have a plan on where we were going, we just simply walked the streets until we got hungry enough to stop for lunch.

And what a great lunch we had!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

We should be safe here!

We're normally up between 6:30am and 7:00am. So yesterday was the one day that we tried to get up a bit earlier than normal, and it was 7:20am by the time we looked at the clock. So much for early.

Not that it really mattered. We try to get an early start on travel days, but we were only planning on going 35 kms (22 miles) or so. And we had Trish and John coming over at 10:00am to take advantage of a ride in Sherman up to the small city of Dolores Hidalgo (pop 55,000).

Anyhow, everything worked out without being rushed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Time for a change of scenery

We've been here four nights, so it's time to move on. Trish and John are coming over this morning and we're all taking a drive up to the small city of Dolores Hidalgo (pop 55,000). It's only located about 35 kms (22 miles) north of where we currently are, so it won't be a long drive. Just enough for a change of scenery!

And we heard from our friend Chris over at Living and Boondocking in Mexico who said that you can stay overnight in the parking lot of the municipal auditorium there, so we're going to check that out since it's located very close to downtown.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Everybody needs a day off

And yesterday was ours.

We simply hung around the RV park here. I puttered about the motorhome and cleaned the windows. Ruth did some hand laundry and went for a little walk around the park. We played some yahtzee and backgammon and just relaxed.

We even had an afternoon nap!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

A little tour of where we're staying. And a dinner invite!

The first time we arrived in San Miguel with the motorhome, there was a hotel and RV park right on the outskirts of town. A year later, that property had been sold and shut down with big plans for development, but it now sits as just an empty lot. There is also a trailer park right in town at the tennis courts, but it's for rigs under 26 ft and even then it's fairly crowded.

The only other trailer park option is the San Ramon Hotel and RV park about 5 kms (3 miles) outside of the town, and that's where we are now.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

A fun day with new and old friends. And a puppy!

Peter and Shelagh came up to our spot outside the El Charco de Ignacio Botanical Gardens at about 10:00am yesterday morning, and we locked up Sherman and walked across the road to the entrance.

They've done quite a lot of work here since the last time we visited in December of 2012. And the price hasn't changed...still 40 pesos ($3.30 CAD).