Multi use pathway beside the Bow River at Cochrane, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Tequila and ruins

Yesterday was a busy tour day. A big first class bus arrived with our guide Jorge, just before 8:00am to take our RV caravan group near the town of Tequila to tour the big Herradura tequila factory. Yes, this is a distillery. But I call it a factory because it's such a huge operation.

The Herradura distillery produces 22 million liters of tequila per year!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thursday was a day off...

But it seemed to fly by. In the morning, Ruth and I went for a walk, but only a short one down to the nearby marsh to see some of the birds.

We had done this walk the last time we were here in November of 2011, and we remembered a lot of snakes that we could see from walking along the side of the road. Strangely, this time we didn't see any!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Escorted by angels!

350 kms (217 miles) doesn't sound like a really long day, but when you're on some secondary roads in Mexico and you're leading a group of nine other RV' becomes a really long day.

And so we got an early start, scheduled for 8:00am. But you really have to be on your toes with this group...they were ready to pull out at 7:50am, and so we did!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A fun "day off"...

There is an island in the middle of Lake Patzcuaro that is a popular tourist spot on weekends. In fact, it's so busy on weekends that we're glad we waited until Tuesday to visit!

Out of our RV caravan group of nineteen people, twelve of us made the decision to take the boat trip over to the island. Despite a couple of glitches, we think that everybody had a good time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Volcano and waterfall

Yesterday was a free day with our Mexico RV Caravan group. I had volunteered to take some of the group to the Paricutin Volcano, while Ruth took others into the town of Patzcuaro to see some of the things that we hadn't seen when we were there the other day.

So we split up and at 9:00am five of us left in Larry's truck, headed towards Uruapan. Ruth and I had been there before, four years ago.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Dance of the little old men

Yesterday was our day trip tour in and around the city of Patzcuaro (pop 80,000) in the state of Michoacan, Mexico.

It started with a visit south of the city to the copper town of Santa Clara del Cobre. This town is famous world wide for producing items made from copper. Pot and pans, cauldrons, sinks, vases, and jewelry make up the more popular items.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Two down, four to go!

Our second travel day with the RV caravan group was yesterday. Four more to go!

Everything went smoothly, but boy, things happen slowly when you're moving with nine other RV's. We only had to do 90 kms (56 miles) but it took three hours from start to finish!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

What a day! (part 2)

This is the second post of the day. You can read part one here...

We had such a busy day and did so much stuff, and had so much fun yesterday that we figured it was better to break it into two blog posts.

So when we left you earlier, we had been looking for a barber for John.

What a day!

Far too much to tell you in one single blog post, so I'll do another one this afternoon. But suffice to say that the entire caravan group had a really fun day. Us included! Actually, we have to say....we're enjoying our time with this group, and it really doesn't feel like work.

Okay. So, yesterday was actually a "day off", but there is so much to see and do in the area that we made a series of choices for people...and they could either participate, or not at their own expense.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Have they ever even been here?

We are currently in the Mexican state of Michoacan. The RV Park we are at is located about a half an hour from the big city of Morelia (pop 800,000).

On February 11th, the Canadian government issued an updated "travel advisory" for the country of Mexico, telling people to "Exercise a high degree of caution". Of course this is the same thing that they have been telling us each year since we began our RV travels of Mexico in 2007.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Off to see the butterflies!

Every fall, more than one billion monarch butterflies make the 4,500 km (3,000 mile) trip from Canada to the mountains west of Mexico City where they spend the winter huddled in fourteen colonies.

Five of these colonies are open to public viewing.

We've been to two other locations previously, so we're glad that yesterday's trip was to a different one.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Everyone arrived, but not without a few hiccups!

What a great group of people we have in this RV caravan. Everybody was ready to go by our 8:00am meeting, and we were all pulling out of the RV park by 8:20am or so. Right on schedule.

Our goal is to always be parked up by 2:00pm in the afternoon. That way, if there are any problems along the way, you have lots of daylight hours left to fix them. We were only doing 160 kms (100 miles) or so, but of course you can never get anywhere quickly in Mexico, so better to start earlier than later.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Another full day of tours and meals out!

Once again, the bus arrived right at 9:00am to pick everybody up. We had the same tour guide, Cony, and the same driver, Geronimo. So it's kind of nice that we can get to know them a little bit by spending more time with them.

There is such a busy schedule just now that some members of the group simply chose not to go. So this time, there were seventeen of us who went and two stayed behind.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Getting ready for our first travel day

Everybody in the RV caravan group enjoyed a well deserved day off yesterday. Almost everybody just hung around the campground and did some minor maintenance and cleaning of their rigs, and I'm sure that some simply relaxed!

At every stop along the way, we have group tours organized, and they really don't get a chance to just kick back and relax until we arrive at the beach on March 3rd. Of course they are not obligated to participate in every tour, and usually 3 or 4 different people do exactly that.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our first full day with the caravan group

We always thought that these caravan tours were a little expensive. But I don't think we realized exactly how many "extras" are included in the price that you pay, especially with this particular caravan company. Yesterday was a great example of some of the extras.

And man, they keep you busy! Not much time for relaxing. Although today, Superbowl Sunday (and Kevin's birthday!) is an off day for the entire group. I've got some things to do though, like installing a brand new CB radio for Sherman. Everybody on the tour has a CB radio so that we can all keep in contact. It's not used for minor chit chat...only important stuff like upcoming turns, obstacles on the road, stuff like that.