Igor, parked at the Wesley Clover Municipal Campground in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 1st.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Sherman has a small problem...

Sherman has been out on his two month motorhome exchange adventure and so far he's been behaving himself. Up until last night that is, when we got an email saying that the main 1,000 watt inverter that I installed last September has gone on the fritz, and what did we want to do about it.

Okay. That doesn't sound like too much of a problem to me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Goings on here at the park

Weekends have been fairly busy, but we haven't been sold out yet this year. This coming weekend could change that though because we're getting a lot of last minute bookings and I think there are only two full service sites left.

Monday through Thursday is always quiet though, and even this week despite the fact that the weather the last few days has been hot and sunny.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bucket list items

The term "Bucket List" means a list of things that you want to do before you kick the bucket. I'm not even sure this term existed prior to the 2007 Jack Nicholson movie of the same name.

First of all, we don't have an official "bucket list". Because there would be no point. I mean really, we want to do anything different and go anywhere we haven't been before. So to us, there's no point in having an actual list.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Authentic Mexican food?

I was looking at an advertisement for a Mexican restaurant in our hometown of Ottawa, and it stated that the food was "authentic".

And I wondered....do they even use corn tortillas? Because most people in Canada wouldn't eat corn tortillas...only flour tortillas. So if they don't make their enchiladas with corn tortillas, they are most certainly not an authentic Mexican restaurant.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Half way through!

It occurred to me yesterday that we are now past the half way point of our time here at the park this season. Actually we're quite a few days past the half way point, because we hope to get out of here a little earlier this year.

As much as this is a nice place to spend the summer, we'd rather be traveling. And we have a lot to look forward to when September rolls around because we've got a full plate of exploring to do for you all over the following seven months!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Boondocking in Nova Scotia

I'm writing this post because of a forum discussion I saw where there was a lot of misinformation being given out.

You see, back around 2007 there was a move by the Nova Scotia Campground Owners Association to force an old law to ban RV parking at Walmarts. The campground owners mistakenly figured they were losing money. The Nova Scotia government stood behind the campground owners association.

Friday, July 15, 2016

We're a little behind the times!

Game of Thrones and Pokemon Go.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Well that's exactly what I was thinking as I randomly came across several references over the past week or so with regards to the phrase Pokemon Go.

Ever since we changed our lifestyle back in October of 2007, it seems we have a bit of a hard time keeping up with pop culture. It started of course with no longer owning a television.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Pics from the last few days

It drizzled on and off until about noon yesterday. So we didn't get much more than the three inches of rain that I had reported. But, it was sure a lot of water and it did some damage to our roads in the park.

Yesterday morning, Ruth and I went for a walk in rain.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Three inches of rain!

It's still raining.

I woke up a couple of times during the night and could hear the rain coming down. The rain gauge out on the porch says we've now had 3" of rain since yesterday morning. That's a lot of water. The park is pretty waterlogged!

With that much rain, the road in and out of the park is pretty much accessable by 4 wheel drive only. I'm supposed to go to a meeting tonight, but I doubt that the little blue car would make it up the hill!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Coho's first mousing experience!

For the past week, they've been forecasting rain for today. Of course at first, you don't believe them because the 7 day forecast means nothing. But as today got closer, they didn't waiver. It's going to rain, they say. The only question has been "how much rain?", as their estimates have changed daily from a half an inch to two full inches.

And sure enough, we got up this morning, and an hour later it started to rain.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Postcards from Sherman

Busy weekend here at the park, so I've been doing my middle of the night walks to make sure that nobody is out being stupid. That means I usually don't sleep well, and when we finally got up at 7:30am yesterday morning we were till pretty tired.

But I had to get up because at 8:00am, I had a job to do!

Friday, July 8, 2016

The little blue car has a boo-boo

Ruth went into Swift Current on Wednesday to do groceries and a bunch of running around for the park. We always pack the little blue car full of recycling and returnable bottles and cans to collect the deposits back for the park. This generates revenue for the park to the tune of over $2,000 per season!

Anyhow, when she came back, the first thing she said was "the little blue car has a boo-boo", and of course I instantly thought uh, oh...there's a scratch or dent somewhere...

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Should you buy a new...or used RV?

With the recent RV news headlines stating that sales of new RVs are hitting record highs around North America, it's hard to figure out why.

All of my research and figures say that it simply doesn't make good financial sense to buy a brand new RV. But, maybe it's because a lot of people simply don't have good financial sense! It's possible they just don't know any better. Or, maybe they've got too much money in the first place and they simply don't care.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

What does it cost to buy an older RV?

Ruth was having a discussion on a facebook forum the other day, and someone was arguing with her about what it costs to buy and maintain an older RV. This guy pretty much called Ruth a liar when she told him that we've never had anything major go wrong with Sherman in the nearly ten years that we've owned him.

He also said that in those ten years we probably could have bought a new motorhome with the amount we've spent on repairs and maintenance. Which obviously is ridiculous.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A bit of a sad day here at the park...

One of the things we've enjoyed at the park is watching the great horned owls every spring. When we arrive in May, one of the first things we do is walk over to the nest to see how many babies there are.

The first year there was only one. But both last year and this year we've been able to watch two babies grow up and leave the nest.

We found out yesterday that one of them didn't survive.