Canada Geese are the only ones enjoying Britannia Beach in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 1st.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Keeping Yourself Occupied on Long Road Trips

While travelling the length and breadth of a continent in an RV is nothing short of a thrilling adventure, the day-to-day reality can actually be a little bit different. Watching the landscape change while conversing with your travel buddy is one great way to pass the time, but even this can become tiresome surprisingly quickly.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Reflecting on our Mexico RV Caravan Adventure

We promised you all some insight into our Mexico RV Caravan adventure. And now that a month has gone by since we exited Mexico, it's a good time to give you some of our thoughts about that trip and what we feel about the possibility of us doing it again.

The trip was scheduled for 86 days. Just under three months. There were 11 other rigs, each carrying a couple. So including us, there were 24 people.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

It's a good thing we have Sherman with us.

There are two water systems here at the park. One is used for trucked in municipal water, and it feeds the concession building, the house trailer, and the cookshack, as well as an outdoor tap for the campers. The other system is for the lake water and it supplies non-potable water to the washrooms and campsites.

Well normally, the first thing we do here is get the municipal water supply turned on to the house trailer because that's where we have been living the last four summers.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Received an interesting email yesterday

From Amazon Mexico.

You'll remember back in early March when we were stuck in Puebla and had ordered some parts from Amazon Mexico for the motorhome. These parts were purchased through Amazon Mexico, but sourced through Amazon in the United States, and then shipped to Mexico.

Well it turns out that we're getting a refund!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April Expenses - Yikes!

Well, we knew it was going to be bad.

We spent a record high $6,302 CAD ($4,950 USD) during the month of April. Yes, we spent a lot of money on motorhome parts and repairs, but even if we subtract that $3,493 we still spent $2,809, which would have been a high month anyhow. We're going to have to tighten our belts for the trip up to Yukon!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Our two year North America RV Adventure

Yesterday, we drove from Lafleche, Saskatchewan to Swift Current, and then to Cabri Regional Park. In our mind, this completes the first quarter of our two year RV trip!

We left Ottawa on November 16th and picked up the Mexico RV Caravan group in Mission, Texas on January 6th. From there, we toured Mexico for 86 days, and then have spent the last four weeks making our way from Texas back to Cabri Regional Park.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Back in to Canada!

We weren't originally planning on crossing the border yesterday, but with an early start and several other factors, we decided to make a late day border crossing.

We've been battling the winds the last few days, and it is usually the most calm just after dawn. So we got up when the sun did, and began driving immediately.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Another great free campsite!

We left the Gillette Airport at just after 9:00am yesterday. Beautiful blue sky all day long and with a temperature of about 75F (24C), it was just about perfect.

Heading north out of Gillette, it is coal mining country. We had seen the long trains full of coal that run the rails along the highway south of Gillette, and it was interesting to pass by some of the facilities that fill the rail cars.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Heading north through an accident scene

We said our goodbyes to our Boondockers Welcome host and headed out around 9:00am. First stop was the town of Douglas, about 65 miles (104 kms) north.

We actually wanted to stay in Douglas... I had read about a city park where they allow three nights free camping and have a water and dump station. We stopped in to have a look. One other rig there, but a nice park. If we didn't need to put some more miles on, we would have stayed and visited the town. Another time.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Installed our new Winegard RV Internet Antenna

They were calling for a nice day yesterday and our Boondockers Welcome host Sally had generously offered to let us stay a second night, so we decided to take a day off from driving. We'll have to make that up though with a couple of longer driving days because we want to be back at Cabri Regional Park for Sunday, giving us only four driving days to get there.

I took advantage of the beautiful day to get up on the roof and install our new Winegard Connect 2.0 RV Internet Antenna.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A chilly day exploring Cheyenne, Wyoming

Up early, and our Verizon cellular internet ran out and I'm not going to renew it because we're only six more days in the United States. If the price was reasonable, I would... but at $35 USD for 2 GB of data, they can keep it!

So we got up and drove into Pine Bluffs, NE where we parked outside the library and used the free library wifi while sitting in the motorhome and having breakfast.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

50 Campsites, and we were the only ones there...

Yesterday, we continued north from Brush, Colorado into Kimball, Nebraska. Kimball is at about 5,400 feet and is very close to the highest point in Nebraska. But the municipal park campground in behind the fairgrounds wasn't the nicest and looked to be on soft ground and they were calling for rainshowers yesterday evening.

We carried on east a little bit to the Oliver Reservoir State Recreation Area where they have about 50 numbered camp sites... and it's totally free!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Who said there's nothing to see?

Sure, the scenery may not be fantastic, but there is still stuff to see if you look for it.

Yesterday, we drove from the Neegronda Reservoir north up to Brush, Colorado. No, it's true that the scenery is not fantastic. But there are still some interesting things to see along the way if you look for them!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

It wasn't worth taking the chance...

Yesterday, we drove from Boise City, Oklahoma to a reservoir at the Queens Wildlife Conservation area just north of Lamar, Colorado. I had a few ideas of where we could park for the night, but there was a heavy rainfall the night before and many of the gravel side roads were still pretty soft.

We ended up walking in to what would have been a beautiful spot, but I was worried Sherman would get stuck!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

As expected, that was an expensive repair bill...

Well, I had guessed the bill would be around $2,000 USD and it came in at $2,273 USD.

Of course that's hard to swallow, but it really becomes a lump in your throat because we have to pay for it with Canadian dollars... almost $3,000 Canadian dollars!

But, we have spent very little money on Sherman over the years so I suppose we were due for it.