Rocky Mountains as seen from the Wasootch Ridge Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Beach time and baby turtles

Yesterday morning, we drove from the laguna to the parking area at Playa Carizalilo in Puerto Escondido.

The parking area is not great, but there's enough room for all of us and it gives us the opportunity to get some groceries and laundry done and spend some time at a nearby beach.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Our campsite and some bird photos

Yesterday was just a relax day. I got caught up on some computer stuff, and even put my hammock up and had a snooze!

Four of the group went into town and found a beach club with a swimming pool where they spent the day. Not a bad idea. You pay 200 pesos entrance, and then can use that 200 pesos as a credit to uy food or drink if you wish. And you get to use the facilities for the day.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Searching Puerto Escondido

Finally caught up on the blog posts. When I get a day behind, it's been difficult to get caught up because we're either too busy, or the internet connection is not decent. As it is right now, we are parked up at the Centro Turistico La Alejandria where they advertise free WiFi... and it is, but it is slow as molasses, and especially when everyone is trying to use it. But even when everybody is sleeping, it is still slow. Takes forever to upload photos. And, we do have a cell signal as well but it is not much better!

Anyhow, first world problems, right?

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Mexico RV Caravan Travel Day - Playa Ventura to Puerto Escondido

And on top of that, Friday was my birthday!

Despite the long drive, I had a great day.

We hit the road out of Playa Ventura at 8:30am. We knew that including stops it would be a six hour drive. Ruth and I have done this route in both directions quite a few times. I'm only guessing, but we've probably done it seven or eight times. And it's a long drive.

Beach day - Playa Ventura

Just getting caught up on some blog posts since we didn't have decent internet while at Playa Ventura. In case you missed it, I posted one last night...

So, we made the decision to spend an extra day at Playa Ventura. It's a pretty quiet place midweek, and everybody enjoyed a relax day.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Heading further south

On Wednesday, we headed further south. We enjoyed our time at Paul's place south of Acapulco, however it was baking hot and not enough ocean breeze reached into our camping area. A couple of nights was good, but we had been there four nights and we knew it was time to move on.

We knew we didn't have a far drive, so we headed out at 10:30am south on highway 200 towards Puerto Escondido.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A visit to Acapulco and a great Acapulco sunset

Tuesday morning, we had planned a day trip into Acapulco for anybody who was interested. It turned out that not many people were interested! Also, a couple of people weren't feeling well. There is some kind of 36 hour bug going around the group, and almost everybody has had it now to some extent... except me!

Knock on wood...!

Anyhow, Ruth ended up going in with Jim to see the cliff divers and some of the city.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Almost too hot

Yesterday morning, Ruth and I went for a walk on the beach.

Our regular readers know that we aren't beach people. Especially when the temperature is 32C (90F). We much prefer to be in more moderate temperatures. Perfect for us is maybe 24C (75F) during the day, and 10C (50F) at night. It's one of the reasons that we spend a lot of time away from the coast at higher elevations while we are in Mexico.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Some photos and January Expenses

Not a lot to talk about from yesterday, so we'll mix in January's expenses with today's blog post.

It was just after 10:00am when a bunch of us hopped into a collectivo to go to the big Chedraui store to do some stocking up. We had wanted to do this when we drove by it on our way here on Saturday, but the parking lot was busy, and not really suited for RVs to begin with.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Long drive to the coast, but now we have some beach time ahead of us!

On the road yesterday right at 9:00am for our 307 km (190 mile) drive to the coast. Since most of our route is on toll road, you would think that would be a three or four hour drive, right?


You never get anywhere fast in Mexico. As well, we had to plan in a fuel stop and a lunch stop... so I figured we might get to our destination by 2:30pm or so.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Off to the beach!

Yesterday, we visited the ruins of Xochicalco, and we found a great overnight spot.

We left the El Paraiso Trailer Park at about 10:30am and only had a short (but convoluted) drive to the ruins. We didn't know at the time where we were going to spend the night, but we had several ideas to check out. The first stop was a big restaurant that didn't make it and the big parking lot was locked up.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Day trip to the silver town of Taxco

Yesterday, the group split up and did different things. Larry and Martha have their daughter and a friend visiting for a couple of days, and they planned a trip to the nearby silver mining town of Taxco. Denise, Jim, and Ruth decided to join them.

Bob and I stayed behind, as did Garth, Roy, and Sue. Roger and Mona, and Aron and Owenita went out for a 3 hour bike ride.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The saga continues...

If you haven't read part one of our travel day to Cuernavaca, you might want to check that out first...

So, when we left you off there, it was about 4:00pm on Tuesday. I had just returned with Jim to the Lagunas de Zempoala National Park where the rest of the group had been waiting. They had been there for maybe two hours or so.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The day started off great... and went downhill from there!

What a day we had... one that we don't want to repeat.

It started off great. We left at 9:00am and had an easy drive up the toll road leading up from Valle de Bravo to the next toll highway that bypasses the north part of the city of Toluca. Lots of great scenery and blue skies. There isn't much traffic on the toll road until you get close to the city itself.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Last day in Valle de Bravo... out on the lake!

Yesterday was a free day with nothing official planned for the group. I spent the morning puttering around Sherman checking the tire pressure and then cleaning out some of the lower compartments and my tool box... just generally straightening things up.

For lunch, we went up to a taco joint down the road. Sammy's... some of the group had gone there last year and enjoyed it, and some had already gone this year but Ruth and I had never been.