Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Camped with a view?

We were on the road by 6:30am on Friday morning. We're not having any problem getting up early now that we're approaching the longest day of the year. Even now, the sun doesn't set until after 9:00pm, and it is light again by 5:30am!

And, it looked like another nice day although once again they were calling for the winds to pick up after lunch.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Camped beside the river

We got all our driving done in the morning, well before the afternoon winds picked up. Sooo much nicer driving when it's calm. Stopped in Pinedale to have breakfast and use the internet, then headed a bit further north.

We pulled in to the Warren Bridge BLM area. There are nine different free camping locations spread along the Green River over a distance of about 8 miles (13 kms).

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Back on the road

We got a bit of a late start Wednesday morning. We had left the mechanic shop before they opened and headed to Walmart to do a bit of stocking up. When we left there, Sherman's volt meter was reading low. I figured maybe there was a bad connection related to what the mechanic had done since they had the alternator removed as part of the job changing the water pump.

So we headed back to the mechanic shop.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Motorhome repair and maintenance costs... and Sherman's future

We are back on the road this morning after spending another $798 USD ($1076 CAD) on repairs, this time to Sherman's water pump. But, we not only got a new water pump, we also got a new fan clutch, a new serpentine belt and a new thermostat. The labor and the parts were split pretty much half and half.

Rock Springs Auto Repair looked after us really well, They gave us an accurate estimate before starting the job, they ordered the parts right away, and they got to the job as soon as the parts showed up. They were also very fair on the labor costs, charging a total of 2.5 hours when I know the guy spent close to 4. I would not hesitate to recommend these guys if you need something done while in the area.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Stuck in Rock Springs, Wyoming

But, it shouldn't be for too long!

We left the Flaming Gorge Reservoir early. We didn't have any internet access from there, so we got up at 6:30am and drove into the town of Green River and found some unsecured free WiFi. We spent some time there, but we needed a laundromat and I wanted to do some driving before the wind picked up again so we continued on to Rock Springs.

Monday, June 1, 2020

May Expenses

Well, here we are in the month of June already!

May expenses have been tallied, and here are the final numbers... we spent a total of $2,116 CAD ($1,560 USD at today's exchange rates). Not bad, considering we bought a bunch of "stuff" including a new phone.

Hello Wyoming!

Yesterday, we met up with Bob and Denise again just before the entrance to the Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

We crossed into Wyoming, and then set about to find a place to camp for the night. There are some beautiful free campsites on the shores of the reservoir, but some of them require a 4 wheel drive to get to. Still, we managed to find a great parking spot with a beautiful view.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

How are we able to be out of Canada for so long?

We had a question yesterday from someone on our Facebook page...

"I'm curious how you are able to be out of Canada for so long."

And we've had similar questions from other people over the past several weeks that we've been in the Unites States. Prior to this virus thing, we were originally supposed to return to Canada in April for 10 days, and then again starting May 1st for most of the following six months.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

National forest boondocking

We left Duchesne, Utah at around 9:30am and headed for the town of Vernal where there is a free RV dump station and water fill. Got that done, and then went looking for some drinking water to fill our 5 gallon jug. Usually, we can find self serve purified water places, and they are quite common in Texas and New Mexico but not so much here in Utah. Or at least not in the towns we have been in.

Ended up buying two single gallon jugs of spring water (on sale at $0.79 per gallon) to get us by until we can find somewhere to fill the big jug.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Seemed like business as usual...

We got on the road at about 9:00am. Finally, a day with very low winds, but warm... the high was about 86F (30C) with an overnight low about 60F (15C).

Had to do a few miles on the Interstate highway... speed limit is 80 mph (128 km/h) but of course Sherman toddles along at only 60 mph (102 km/h) on these types of roads.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A scenic drive, a quick visit to Moab, and another great campsite

We left the Devil's Canyon Campground as soon as we got up and headed in to the town of Monticello. Our first stop was the visitor's center where we figured they would have free WiFi. But they didn't. The visitors center was closed due to Covid, as we expected, but if they ever had free WiFi, they must have shut it down.

We carried on to the library where we sat and used that free WiFi and had some breakfast.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What a great day we had

We left Bob and Denise at about 7:00am and drove into the town of Blanding. There is not good cell service in much of these out of the way places in Utah, so we have been moving every day, but stopping at small towns to use the free WiFi at the libraries.

Yes, the libraries are closed but so far they have left their WiFi on.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Happy hour with Bob and Denise

We left Bluff, Utah and headed north to the town of Blanding. Just a short drive, and we sat at the library there and used the free WiFi while we waited for friends Bob and Denise who were coming south from Moab.

After they arrived, we had some lunch and then backtracked a little bit to a free campsite in a valley west of Blanding.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Hello Utah!

Heading west from Farmington, New Mexico is the town of Shiprock. There had been some discussion in the comments section here a a couple of days ago about things to see and do in and around Shiprock, but in our opinion, it's not a very nice town, and really not a very nice area.

The only thing worth seeing is the "shiprock"... a huge piece of volcanic rock jutting out of the ground.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

In hindsight, we did the right thing

The other day, one of our readers made a comment that we had made the right decision to continue traveling the way we are during this pandemic. Now that things are starting to "open up", I've been reflecting on that.

And we agree, for us it was the right decision. But it's only in hindsight that we can say that. At the time, thinking back to two months ago, we certainly didn't know for sure that this was going to be the right decision.