Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

A beautiful day in Marmaris, Turkiye

We woke up to blue sky and sunshine, and it stayed with us all day. Even better, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful weekend as well, and right through into Monday.

We drove into Marmaris for a few reasons. We needed to do laundry, and there is one here that gets great reviews, and it has a big grocery store that is likely to have our gluten free bread. Also, because we had been here in November of 2020,  we knew that it has a nice waterfront walkway that goes for 5 kms (3 miles) in each direction. Great for people watching, and enjoying the nice weather.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Lots of water!

Wednesday night we had a lot of rain, together with a lot of thunder and lightning. We even had some hail. Surprisingly, we felt like we slept okay! Good thing we were parked on high ground though, as you'll see in the photos. 

The weather turned out worse than forecast and we ended up sitting right where we were until just before the noon hour. Katja and Yves had taken off a little earlier than us, but not by a whole lot. They were taking a different route, but we will see them again down the road at some point.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

We might do one of the world's great train rides

We didn't do very much yesterday because the weather wasn't the best. We did do a short drive just for a change of scenery though. We ended up parked at a playground/park just outside the village of Kargicak. They even have a couple of electric outlets, and it's free. So, a good spot to spend the night when the solar panels aren't getting much charge during the day.

I wasn't going to tell you about our plan just yet, because it might not actually happen. But we don't have much else to talk about today, so here it is...

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A tough hike to start off February!

We were itching to get out for a hike yesterday, and they were calling for afternoon rain starting around 12:30pm, so we tried to get out as soon as it warmed up a little bit. We got dressed for the weather, put our boots on, stepped outside.... and it started raining!

Fortunately it was just a quick shower, and we were soon on our way.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

January Expenses

Well, it wasn't as cheap of a month as we originally planned, but we're still happy with the way it turned out.

We spent a total of $1,921 CAD ($1,515 USD, €1,347) during the month of January. We always set our budget goals low to start off with, and adjust as the month progresses. Most categories turned out higher than we expected, however we were under budget in Meals Out, and Entertainment.

Now this is the kind of area we love!

Monday morning, Yves and Katja took off to visit the Temple of Apollo. We had been there in November of 2020, so didn't need to return, but we thought it was worthwhile enough to recommend that they visit.

We headed around the south shore of Lake Bafa, and then inland to the north shore of the lake. We had read that it was a worthwhile overnight spot, and that there was a lot of hiking opportunities in the area.

Monday, January 31, 2022

We had a fantastic day at the ancient city of Miletus

Ruth and I had driven by this area back in November of 2020, and we had seen the massive theater of Miletus from a distance. At the time, we already had a full day planned, and I had read that it takes about three hours to see the whole site so we said "we'll have to return another time".

Well, yesterday was that time. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

It's been a long time since we wasted half a day at a shopping mall

It was almost 11:00am by the time we got going from our nice beach site. We filled our water tank and said a temporary goodbye (more like a "see you later") to Katja and Yves. They were headed into Kuşadası to do laundry, and we were headed to a big outlet store mall to do some shopping.

The plan was to meet later at the Miletus ruins, but we never made it that far!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Just an all round nice day!

Or I suppose that's an all around nice day. (I looked it up, and either is correct). The morning was overcast, but around noon hour that blossomed into an all round nice day with blue skies and sunshine. And a high temperature around 10C (50F), and with little wind, it was very pleasant!

We relaxed for the morning, but went out for a couple of hours walk in the afternoon. The small ruins site of Claros is walking distance from where we are parked, so we headed that way.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Driving through the big city, and camped at a nice beach site

We waited for the morning rush hour to end, and then took on the challenge of driving right through the center of the big city of Izmir, Turkiye (pop 3 million). 

The problem is that there is no easy way to avoid Izmir without going far inland. Friends Glen and Steve had taken the wider route going around and had said that it was terrible. Katja and Yves had taken the coastal route through the city and said that it was busy, but moved along quite nicely. 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Incredibly cheap groceries, and into the city of Izmir

We had learned that the big weekly market for this area took place on a Wednesday, and the location is only a five minute walk from where we are parked. So the first thing we did yesterday morning was to head over to the market to buy a weeks worth of fruits and vegetables.

Because we had been in Tukiye just over a year ago, we knew that the weekly market was the best place to buy fresh produce. Also the cheapest place. But we were still shocked by just how cheap it has become.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

We didn't plan on visiting Izmir

Our original driving plan for Tuesday was to get through and past the city of Izmir, but I had seen a nice looking park on the north shore of the city so we figured we would stop there and take a break.

I hadn't done any research on the city itself because we didn't plan on stopping here. Izmir is a big city of 3 million people, and we had just wanted to get past it all. But once we got to the park, it looked really nice. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

We dodged a bullet

We knew that doing this northern drive around from Greece into Turkey was a bit risky from a weather perspective. But we dodged a bit of a bullet the last couple of days as both Istanbul and Athens got walloped by a blast of winter and we managed to somehow avoid that!

Have a look at these photos from both cities...  

Monday, January 24, 2022

Visit to the ancient city of Troy

We suggested to friends Katja and Yves that we make a quick stop at the ancient city of Troy, and they agreed that was a good idea. It was only about 5 kms (3 miles) off our route. We set off at about 10:00am and arrived there at lunchtime. We had to take the ferry across the Dardanelles Straight, which meant that we would be crossing from the continent of Europe to the continent of Asia. 

We have now RV'd in five different continents!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

"We have a problem".

It was below freezing again when we woke up Saturday morning, so we headed for the border as soon as we got up. Didn't even have a coffee or breakfast. We were on a mission to find out if we could get into Turkiye!

If you missed the post the other day, I'll give you some background. Canadians need a visa to get into Turkiye, but you can apply online in advance. I had done that, and mine was approved but Ruth's wasn't. I cancelled the process, so we arrived at the border without visas, which is okay because Canadians are eligible for visa on arrival.