Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Summer plans... booked another flight!

Sunday was a rain day. They had called for showers on and off, but it rained pretty steady most of the day. We didn't get out of the motorhome for a walk until around 5:00pm!

So we played some backgammon and yahtzee, and did some computer time. We want to get back to Canada this summer, so I did some searching looking at flight possibilities.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Another busy day, and a feast for lunch!

Lots of exploring to do in this area, and it was another nice day. Plus, it's an easy bike riding area with a good network of bike paths. 

So I got the bikes off and we went for a ride. First destination was the ancient fortress of Selinus.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Yep, this will do for a couple of nights!

We got up at 7:00am and hit the road right away Friday morning. Two reasons for this... first, it's a good way to warm up Max's interior without using propane, and second, we wanted to get out of the big city of Alanya before the traffic got heavy.

And we did... there was hardly any traffic on the road. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

That was a busy day!

And a much better one than the last few, because the sun was shining and we were able to get out do stuff! 

We needed to find a laundry. There were a few listings in the big touristy city of Alanya (pop 300,000), so we packed up early and drove the half hour or so into the city.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Life goes on

We are fine, thanks. We've received a few messages of concern because we are geographically fairly close to the action, so to speak. And yes, we are following the headlines and are aware of what's going on in the world. 

But we don't worry so much about "what if", so we continue with our plans, for now. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Not much point in moving on

Another wet overcast day on Tuesday, but at least we managed to find a two hour window where we got out for decent walk.

Today is supposed to be worse, with pretty much non stop rain, and a total accumulation of more than two inches. We were going to move on just for the sake of moving on, but I think we've decided to just wait it out. We have electricity and a good strong cellular internet connection.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Train trip and Cyprus update

Yesterday evening, we published our February expense report. If you missed it, you can read it here

A few weeks ago, we told you about an overnight scenic train ride that we wanted to do between Ankara and Kars, or the reverse. Tickets are really hard to get, but we put in our request hoping that we might get some around the end of February when we were in Antalya area and we could have flown from Antalya to either Ankara or Kars to meet the train.

Monday, February 28, 2022

February Expenses

Had we not done those medical checkups and bought me a new pair of hiking boots, February would have been an all time record low month. Of course keeping in mind that February only has 28 days, but still!

We spent a total of $1,884 CAD ($1,487 USD, €1,322), but our actual living expenses were less than half of that!

Staying at our first official Turkish campground!

We got on the road around 8:00am so that we could take advantage of the early Sunday morning lack of traffic in order to get ourselves out of the city. We took the coastal route, which is a little slower going but we had done the faster route in the car when we were here in December 2020 and it was not a scenic drive through a lot of industrial areas.

The coastal route in this area between Antalya and Alanya is loaded with big resort hotels... one after the other. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Another Senior Nomads lunch, and my new hiking boots arrived!

We drove over to Vera and Bob's apartment and found a parking spot really close by. They offered to let us use their washing machine and so we did some laundry and had nice hot showers!

Then when we the laundry was hung up to dry, we walked over to the same restaurant where we had lunch with the other Senior Nomads group last Tuesday.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Maybe we'll give it up in twenty years or so

We took a rare day off from writing the blog. We didn't have anything to write about! Thursday was a wet, rainy day, and we had done a lot of walking the previous three days so we simply took a day off from that as well!

We're still waiting here in Antalya for the hiking boots that I ordered to show up. We didn't really want to drive anywhere, and there were a lot of puddles on the nearby bike trail. We ended up contacting Bob and Vera, the Australian couple who we had met the other day.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

It's an odd feeling to have no plans, but we have some ideas

Normally when we travel, we have some sort of deadline. Even if that deadline might be four or five months out, which of course gives us quite a bit of flexibility. But right now, we feel like we don't really have to be anywhere, and it's a bit of an odd feeling.

We do want to go back to Canada this summer for maybe a month or so, but we aren't counting on that happening in the current travel environment. If it happens, then it will be a fairly last minute decision. If it doesn't happen, we have lots of other options.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

New hiking boots!

We had always been fans of Merrell hiking boots until the last couple of pairs we bought that didn't last as long as we thought they should have. So on October 10, 2019 we each bought a new pair of Oboz hiking boots.

Well they are now due to be replaced. In fact, they've been due for a month or two now and we've been actively looking for new ones. But, we're pretty happy with how long the Oboz boots lasted, and in fact we would be happy to buy that brand again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Medical test results

We don't often talk about our medical issues because 1) we really don't have any, and 2) when we do talk about things medical, everyone becomes an arm chair doctor.

But, we spent much of the day yesterday with the doctor, and we don't have anything else to talk about so we might as well tell you the whole story!

Monday, February 21, 2022

A nice lunch, gluten free treats, and a funny story!

We figured on a forty minute walk to get to the restaurant where we were meeting some of the "Senior Nomads" facebook group, and timed it perfectly, arriving right at 11:30pm.

There was Bob and Vera from Australia, Thomas and Georganna from California, and Matt and Avic from Colorado.