Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Friday, March 23, 2018

This is the first time

This is the first time during this three month trip that we have had time to relax. And there's less than two weeks remaining in the trip! Overall, it's been an okay job, but it's a pretty hectic schedule and it's been more work than we thought it would be.

Of course, if we do it again next year it should feel like less work because we will be totally familiar with the route and the schedule.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

I think one of those hammocks has my name on it...

Ruth had a couple of haircuts scheduled for yesterday morning, so while she was doing that I went for a walk around the property here to take some photos for you all.

Tlaquepaque is a resort hotel property with bungalows and rooms for rent, as well as 70 RV spaces. In our opinion, it is one of the nicest RV properties in Mexico. And, it's fairly pricey, but sometimes you get what you pay for.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Arrived at Lo de Marcos

Managed to get 16 rigs out of the Laguna del Tule Trailer park in Melaque. We decided to group up at a nearby gas station, that way everybody could get out of the park at their own pace before our 8am scheduled departure. It all went pretty smoothly and thankfully there isn't a lot of traffic at that end of the town.

We had some leftover members of the Copper Canyon caravan with us for this drive, so we split into two groups of eight, and the second group departed 15 minutes after the first group.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Relax day at the beach in Melaque

We needed to get some exercise, so before it got too hot we took off for a walk. Of course, when we start wandering we never know how long we're going for... or how far!

We set off through town, then part of the beach. We ended up doing about 8kms (5 miles)!

Monday, March 19, 2018

We are back on schedule!

Went for a nice breakfast yesterday morning with Heinz and Uli, Becky and Jerry, Doug and Cathy, and Nancy at La Cocinita restaurant in Valle de Juarez. Nice of everybody to join us. Our favorite breakfast place in Mexico! The fresh orange juice was the best I've ever had. And with a delicious mushroom, onion, and chorizo omelette. Total price with tip included, 85 pesos ($6.00 CAD, $4.55 USD) each.

With full stomachs, we made another attempt to go see Whiskey's Tree at Hacienda Contreras RV Park.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Terrible roads, but we made it!

Up at 6:00am yesterday morning and we left Trailer Park Las Americas in Cholula at 6:45am, 15 minutes later than we planned. Sherman fired right up and was ready to go. As I put him into gear and we crept forward, the springs creaked as they settled into place.

Next question? How is the alignment?

We waved goodbye to the gate guard and carried on to the main road. So far, so good...

Saturday, March 17, 2018

We're on the road again!

At least we hope we are. The last time I said that, it didn't go so well.

The mechanic Pedrito had finished up the passenger side (the side that broke) on Thursday evening, and he was coming back Friday morning to change the lower ball joint on the driver's side. Both ball joints had been changed at the same time a few years ago, and with one giving up, I didn't have a whole lot of faith in the other one.

Friday, March 16, 2018

We've got some catching up to do...

Yesterday, the Mexico RV Caravan group carried on from Villa Corona to the Pacific coast beach town of Melaque. They are in for a five night stay at Laguna del Tule Hotel and RV Park.

Because they are there for five nights, we want to arrive there by Monday at the latest because they move on again on Tuesday. That means we've got some catching up to do.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Maybe it's better that we're not heading out today!

When we woke up and got on the computers yesterday morning, I checked the status of Sherman's parts. They said "out for delivery", with a promised delivery time of "end of the day".

I went up to the security guy at the front gate and explained that I would have two packages arriving at some point today. He said he would let me know when they show up.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Meanwhile, back at the caravan group...

While we've been sitting here waiting for Sherman's parts to arrive, the caravan group has carried on according to the schedule. Michel and Louise, a couple who had expressed interest in leading their own caravan next winter had taken over as temporary wagon-masters until we can rejoin the group.

The group did three nights in Patzcuaro, and then yesterday they moved on to Chimulco Water Park in Villa Corona near the big city of Guadalajara.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Sherman's parts have arrived in Mexico!

I ordered the parts on Friday morning at around 11:30am. Amazon Mexico's system said the parts would arrive in two to four business days, with a guarantee they would be here by Thursday March 15th.

With a weekend in between, I thought that was pretty good, but figured on Thursday being the day. This morning, I checked the shipment tracking, and they have already arrived in Mexico City!

Monday, March 12, 2018

There's always something interesting to see in Mexico

Ruth made some chocolate chip cookies in the morning, while I did some work on the computer, and some more cleaning on Sherman.

Then we decided to walk into Cholula to the big market and find some lunch. Lots of people out enjoying a beautiful Sunday, and of course the Cholula Pyramid is free to the locals on a Sunday, so that brings in the crowds to the main attraction in the area.

Gas motorhome, or diesel motorhome?

If you're shopping for a motorhome, do you choose gas, or diesel?

When we bought Sherman, the answer was easy because we didn't want to spend a lot of money.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

We're going to be here for a few days...

We had a knock on the door early yesterday morning just before the caravan group was about to depart for Patzcuaro. It was Randy, telling us that if we climb the water tower here in the park we would get a beautiful view of the Popocatépetl Volcano.

So up we climbed!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Parts are ordered, and now we wait

Yesterday morning, Ruth went with the group to the tour of downtown Puebla while I stayed with Sherman to deal with the best way to get the parts that he needs. There were several choices, including several choices of how to do the repairs that are necessary.

I wanted Moog parts. In my opinion, they are the best aftermarket suspension and steering parts out there. You can buy the ball joints two different ways... individually, or included with the lower control arm assembly.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Sherman is broken... again!

We were on the road yesterday morning at about 7:15am. Made our way through the already busy town of Juchitan, and headed north on the 185 up towards the main east west toll road, the 145D.

Our planned 622 km (386 mile) drive was ambitious. If we wanted to make it to Trailer Park Las Americas on the far side of Puebla, there would be very little time for rest breaks.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Reunited with Sherman

We were up at 6:00am Wednesday morning to wave goodbye to the group at their planned 7:00am departure from Oaxaca to Puebla. It's only 360 kms (223 miles), but an early start is better.

They had a Green Angel escort today, and it's a good thing. He arrived right at 7:00am, and I went over the route with him.