Rocky Mountains as seen from the base of the Jura Creek Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Friday, May 25, 2018

We packed things up and decided to search for something else.

Because of the two hour time change related to our flight from Ontario back to Saskatchewan, we both woke up before 6:00am. Might as well get up and start the day! After a bit of computer time, we decided to head to Walmart and do a grocery shop while the store isn't busy.

After that, we went to a heavy truck and trailer place that advertised welding, but it was crowded for parking and I didn't want to hang around. Actually, truth be told I couldn't wait to get started on our trip to Yukon! Besides, the welding job isn't pressing, but I've been wanting to get it done for so long and keep putting it off. I'll keep my eyes open for a small town guy who hopefully can squeeze me in without waiting.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Back in the motorhome!

Lindsey followed with her car while we headed back to drop off the car rental. As expected, the price for a full week with taxes included was $135 CAD ($107 USD). Not bad at all. The rental agent says "How did you find a deal like that?"

Well, I look for deals... they're out there if you look for them.

Then, she drove us to Ottawa airport.

10 Best Israel Beaches

Make your next trip to Israel a beach-tour and be sure to visit some of these ten stunning beaches while you’re there.

Nahariya – Sokolov Beach
Located at the end of Nahariya’s famous promenade, Sokolov Beach is a public beach that is free of charge and open to swimmers. If you are professional surfer, Sokolov Beach is your dream as the waves are known as the largest in Israel.

Haifa – Dado Zamir Beach
For a lovely beach that offers so much, look no further than the Dado Zamir Beach in Haifa. This beach has flower gardens, restaurants, pubs, coffee shops, and plenty of seating areas for relaxing.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Today we return the car rental and head for the airport.

We thought that we were done with work for this year, but apparently not. We spent the morning working on Ruth's father's house. I cut the grass and did the vacuuming while Ruth was cleaning out the fridge and freezer and cupboards of food that either had gone bad, or would go bad over the next few months. We brought a bunch of stuff back to our daughter Lindsey's house for them to be able to use.

Then, it was back to my mother's for lunch and some odd jobs for her.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Another day accomplishing what we came here for.

We had another good day visiting with family yesterday. First on the agenda, we went and picked up Ruth's father in Arnprior and took him out to Wheeler's Pancake House near Lanark, Ontario. It's a bit pricey, but he likes the place and it's good to get him out for a drive in the country. About an hour and ten minutes each way on nice country roads.

Beautiful spring day, with sunshine and a high of about 25C (77F).

Monday, May 21, 2018

Good to get our morning exercise in...

After a rainy Saturday afternoon and evening, the forecast was for clearing skies on Sunday. And, Sunday did end up being a nice day, but the morning was still a bit cloudy and cool.

We had stayed in downtown Ottawa at our son's apartment located close to the Rideau Canal, so we went for a nice walk along the canal in the morning.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Rainy afternoon in downtown Ottawa - Canada's capital city

Ottawa is a nice city to visit, and we like heading to downtown when we're here. Our son has an apartment right in the center, and he was going away for the weekend with his girlfriend to her parents so he let us stay at his place for a night.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the nicest afternoon!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Chester the dog

We stuck around Lindsey and Justin's house for the day, with the exception of taking Chester the dog for a nice long walk. Lindsey went with Sadie on a kindergarten school field trip, and of course Justin was working all day. With the kids in school until 2:30pm or so, we had a nice relaxing day with just us and the big dog.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Not always easy dealing with aging parents.

After we saw the grandkids off to school, we hopped in the rental car and drove up to Ruth's father's place. It's a bit of a difficult situation, and one of the reasons that we chose to come here. He has recently made the decision (somewhat against his will) to move to a retirement home. And his doctor has recently taken away his driver's licence at age 83.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sorry we lied to you!

But we were planning a surprise, and we couldn't let the cat out of the bag!

Yes, as it says above in the "Where are Kevin and Ruth now?" line... we are in Ottawa right now.

We had bought the tickets about three weeks ago and we figured we would surprise the family. So we didn't tell anyone about it. But of course as the day got closer, we had to sort of fib here on the blog!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

First day back on the road

We got up at 6:00am. It's not that we had a really far drive planned... in fact, we didn't really have a plan at all, except to head towards Saskatoon. But I just wanted to get going! We still had some things to do and empty the holding tanks and fill with fresh water... that kind of thing.

And, we managed to get out of the park right at 9:00am.... which is the time I sort of had in the back of my mind.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Getting back on the road!

Ruth woke up this morning and said "I'm glad I don't have to pick up another mop or rake!"

Boy, is that a fact. Our two week work stint here at the park is up, and I although we're tired of cleaning up leaves, we're glad we did it. Steve and Jo still have some work to do, but the worst of it is done.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Recharged our Mexico SIM card for use in Canada!

I recharged our Mexico cellular account yesterday. I had let it expire at the end of April because I knew that we didn't need it while we were here at the park. But we'll be hitting the road tomorrow and so I wanted to make sure I was going to be able to recharge it online from here.

It turns out that it was fairly easy to do, but there are a lot of options and some are fairly expensive if you're not careful!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

We are boondocking for the next couple of days!

Can you boondock in a developed campground?

Well here at Cabri Park you can!

We've been parked in a full hookup campsite for the last week and a half. And while it's been nice to have our electric heater on to take the chill off in the mornings, and have our fridge plugged into electric, and be able to use the office wifi... we really wanted to be parked in a nicer place.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

12,410 days and counting...

On a Saturday afternoon in May of 1984, Ruth and I strolled down the aisle and said "I do"!

We had only known each other since March of 1983... fourteen months. Many people thought it wouldn't last! But here we are, after 34 years of wedded bliss!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Who reads our blog?

Well obviously YOU do!

I find it interesting to follow who is reading what, and where our readers come from. And, to see the continued growth of readership of this blog. Blogger (Google) is the hosting platform I chose ten years ago. I kind of wish I would have chose Wordpress because I've read that there are more options, but I'm not going through the hassle of changing it all now, especially since this is working fine for our needs.

While we were in Mexico, this blog achieved two milestones! Apparently there were a lot of people interested in our Mexico RV Caravan adventures.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Some pics around the park...

Windy day yesterday, but we still managed to get more cleanup done. Two out of five bathrooms are up and running, but they are calling for cool, windy and rainy today so it's not likely we'll get much done today.

I knew we were going to get spoiled with the great weather we had for the first week. Today, they are calling for a high of 11C (52F) and 13C (55F) tomorrow, then back to nice weather on the weekend.