Rocky Mountains as seen from the Wasootch Ridge Trail, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

A nice day with no driving

Woke up yesterday morning to the sound of birds singing... lots and lots of birds singing! They are here at sundown, and again at sunrise. Wonder where they go at other times. There are thousands of them! They are common grackles.

And then we spent the day working on Sherman. We never left the park!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Sherman is at the spa!

When we woke up yesterday morning, we were shrouded in fog! We had originally planned on getting up and doing some driving right away, but it made more sense to stay put until the fog burned off.

We got under way around 9:30am, and headed towards Jal, New Mexico.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Visiting with the aliens, and inside the caves!

Busy day yesterday! Slept fine in the Home Depot parking lot in Roswell, and then topped up the gas at $2.36 USD a gallon ($0.83 CAD per liter).

Then, the reason we came to Roswell... we were off to the U.F.O. Museum.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Valley of Fires and on to Roswell, New Mexico

We ended up doing a little more distance than originally planned. We had totally forgot about Thanksgiving Thursday being a holiday here in the U.S., and we had planned on visiting Carlsbad Caverns on Thursday. So the choice was to do that either Wednesday (today) or Friday.

But Friday is Black Friday and I have some work to do that day on my Facebook Amazon Deals Group. So we need to get to Carlsbad Caverns today!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Just us on the road

Once again, we got up and did some driving as soon as the sun rose. Nobody on the roads at that hour, so we did 50 miles or so and then stopped at the town of Magdalena. We pulled in to an empty lot in front of the gas station to try for some free wifi.

But everything was secured, including the one coming from the gas station, and there had been no AT&T cell service along this whole stretch of highway so we didn't have any cellular internet either.

Monday, November 19, 2018

How does wood turn into rock?? And Sherman reaches a milestone!

Yesterday morning, we did a quick trip into Petrified Forest National Park. We actually didn't think there was going to be that much to see... but we were wrong! So it wasn't that quick of a trip. We ended up spending pretty much the entire morning there.

First stop was the visitors center at the south entrance to the park.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Got some miles done on the Interstate

We're at Petrified Forest National Park as I write this, and there is a lot more to see and do here than we thought there might be. More on that tomorrow!

Just giving you a quick recap of what we've done the last two days... essentially driving!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

We need your feedback please!

We're at the point in this trip where we had planned to put on some miles... so that's what were doing. Yesterday, we drove from the edge of Death Valley National Park, through the oddly named town of Pahrump, around the southern part of Las Vegas, and south from there to Kingman, Arizon. I have to say, the entire drive was nothing special. Even our free overnight spot was nothing special.

So to make up for that, I'd like to talk to you about something that MIGHT become something special...

Friday, November 16, 2018

Some things go fast, and some things go slow...

Well, that was a pretty interesting day!

The entire last three weeks could have easily taken us three months. There has been so much that is worth seeing and doing, and we've been skipping most of it. But we're on a deadline, so we're trying to see the highlights, and we're doing the best we can under the circumstances. But there is so much more.

First thing this morning, we did the very short hike from where we had overnighted, to the Mobius Arch in the Alabama Hills near Lone Pine, California.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Got some miles done on a very scenic highway

We had another great day yesterday. It started off with a soak in the hot springs. Well, for one of us anyhow!

We woke up to well below freezing temperatures again at 6,500 ft altitude. But as soon as the sun comes up, it warms up quickly. We had been parked near the Travertine natural hot springs, and so after breakfast we wandered over to have a look.

It was still pretty chilly out, but Ruth brought her swimsuit!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Yes, they did say it was a scenic drive!

We didn't leave Danielle's place in Reno until just after 10:00am. We had nice hot showers, we filled our water tank, and I had cleaned Sherman's K&N engine air filter the day before, so had to re-oil and reinstall it.

A few people had told us that route 395 south of Reno was a scenic drive... and they were right! It's too bad our clear blue sky finally gave way to some cloudy periods... in fact, we didn't see the sun much at all for the whole drive yesterday.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Well that was a productive day off!

We needed a non driving day to get caught up on some things and Danielle didn't mind us hanging around for the day. We got some laundry done, we had a good consistent supply of internet, and managed to get some minor repair and maintenance completed.

And, Danielle had to run into town so we went with her to pick up a couple of things and have a short driving tour of Reno, Nevada since we were here anyhow.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Nice drive to Reno, Nevada

Once again, up at the crack of dawn and did some driving right away. Nobody on the roads at that hour. We stopped in Susanville, California (pop 17,000) for breakfast and internet time before moving on towards Reno, Nevada.

A pretty comfortable drive for change... some actual straight roads without too many hills!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Through the smoke, and into clear blue skies...

Most of you will have heard of the devastation of the town of Paradise, California. We were supposed to be going right by there, but the main highway was closed due to the fires. So we altered our route to head across the mountains to Reno, Nevada.

But the winds were blowing the smoke right through our path. My thinking was that we should be able to drive through the smoke, and hopefully get far enough east to get out of it. We had enough smokey skies in British Columbia this past summer!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

"What the heck was that??"

We took off from the Bear River Casino and headed up highway 36 east towards the mountains. The first part of the road took us through another section of big California redwoods forest. Ruth took a video for you below!

After that, we climbed... and at some points, very steep. We had seen the warning signs at the beginning of the road, so we knew there were going to be lots of curves and steep grades. But I don't think Sherman has ever had to climb a long 10% grade before. Probably a few short ones, but never one that goes for two miles! He had to summon all of his horses for that!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Those are some big trees!

One of the reasons we wanted to come this far south before heading east was to see the big trees in Redwood National Park. We have in the past seen some big trees... such as Cathedral Grove on Vancouver Island. But those are douglas fir trees, and these ones are of course coastal redwood.

When we left the casino, we topped up the gas tank once more, this time at $3.25 USD a gallon ($1.14 CAD per liter). Fuel is expensive in California (often near $4.00 USD per gallon), so we will top up when we see it near the state lows. It will be cheaper once again when we enter Nevada next week sometime.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Goodbye Oregon, hello California!

What a great day we had yesterday... let me tell you all about it!

First of all, as you'll see from the photos below, it was a beautiful blue sky all day long. Temperatures about 60F (15C) which is perfect for doing a bit of hiking and exploring. And, there was a lot of exploring to be done... once again, every five or ten minutes there is somewhere worth stopping at along this section of coastline.