Multi use pathway beside the Bow River at Cochrane, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Minor change in plans

We were supposed to be on our way to the city of Oaxaca this morning, but Sue and Roy are still fighting a bug and we had the doctor back to check on them yesterday evening. So we're going to stay at least one more night, and possibly two. Actually, we'll stay until they feel well enough to drive.

That's the benefit of our schedule. We do have a route and a schedule planned out, but we are flexible enough to be able to make adjustments as we go along. Nothing is written in stone depending on if medical or vehicle problems come up.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Really good day showing off the city of Puebla

We took the group into the city of Puebla yesterday.

Where Uber is available, we use it a lot in Mexico. The system works so well, and it's so cheap. We stood outside and three of us ordered Uber using our phones. Within five minutes, the rides showed up and took us right to the center of Puebla, about 14 kms (8.7 miles) away. Total cost per vehicle was about 125 pesos ($6.75 USD, $8.75 CAD). Divided by 4 people, that's a pretty cheap ride!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Doctors still make house calls in Mexico!

We hung around the RVs yesterday morning. One of our group came down with a bug of some kind, and his wife ended up getting the same thing. We asked around if we could get a doctor to make a house call, and sure enough that's exactly what happened.

Just before noon, the doctor arrived. 

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Probably the cheapest lunch ever!

We love showing people parts of Mexico that they have never been to before. And since most Canadians and Americans stick to the touristy beach cities of Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cancun, we're getting a lot of opportunity to show off some areas of Mexico that are off the typical tourist trail.

We are now in Cholula, which is essentially a suburb of the city of Puebla. And the city of Puebla is pretty much a suburb of greater Mexico City, except it is separated by two big volcanoes!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Driving day... Tepotzotlan to Cholula

Driving days are always interesting... you never quite know how smoothly things will go. Turns out that yesterday went pretty smooth, although there were a couple of minor glitches!

First thing we had to do was to top up the fuel. Mexico has been experiencing some fuel delivery problems, and there have been a lot of stations without any fuel at all. Usually, it's a very temporary situation.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Last day in Tepotzotlan

It was our last day at Pepe's RV Park. We spent the morning relaxing, and then after lunch a bunch of us walked into town to see the World Heritage Virreinato National Museum here in Tepotzotlan.

The building itself was a Jesuit College, built in the early 1600's. The attached Church of San Francisco Javier was built between 1670 and 1682. It is likely one of the most ornate churches we have ever seen, all of the alter pieces are carved of white cedar and adorned with 23 1/2 karat gold leaf.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A couple of days to get caught up

Compared to last year's trip, we have a lot more days of rest on this trip. It's one of the things we wanted to change, and so far, we think we have found the right balance. In fact, someone left a comment yesterday saying "Sure sounds as though this small caravan is working for you two."

And yes, we think it is. We had a little discussion yesterday with some of the group about things we could change or do differently, and it would seem that everybody is very happy so far. Including us!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Day trip to the ancient city of Teotihuacan

One of the highlights of the Mexico City area is the ancient city of Teotihuacan. It's a little difficult to get to from where we are at Pepe's Hotel and RV Park, but Pepe's sells organized tours to the ruins site, along with a guide and a bus. So our group took them up on that.

Yesterday was the first day of the year where the Mexican population is back to work and school. It was suggested to us that we leave early to make the best use of our time, so we were all on the bus at 8:00am.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Last day in Mexico City

We got the group back down for breakfast at 8:00am. With only three days and two nights in the Big Tamale, you want to take advantage of every minute. If we do this again next year, we might spread it over three nights and try to relax a little more. The downside to that might be that we don't relax, and we just try to see even more!

Anyhow, we decided to walk over to the Monument of the Revolution. Then to give the group a different experience, we took the Mexico City Subway to the historical center.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The best way to see a city is by walking

There is a lot to see in the downtown area of Mexico City, and there are many ways of getting around. Taxis are inexpensive, and Uber works well and is even cheaper. The metro buses, the subway (underground) shared bicycles, shared electric scooters... transportation for everyone!

But we choose to walk. Although... the shared electric scooters look like fun!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Into The Big Tamale - Mexico City!

A minibus arrived at Pepe's Hotel and RV park just after 10:00am Friday to take nine of our group into Mexico City. We all piled in, and it was sure nice to have someone else do the driving in the busy city traffic.

Mexico City is huge. They say that the metropolitan area  is around 21 million people, but they're probably off by a million or two either way. How could they count that many people all squeezed into such a small area?

Friday, January 4, 2019

Traffic jam!

Yesterday was a driving day as we made our way from Valle de Bravo to Tepotzatlan. Ruth and I have been on most of these roads before at some time or another, but never this particular route all in one day.

There is no easy way to get 8 motorhomes from Valle de Bravo to Tepotzotlan.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Last day in Valle de Bravo

Yesterday was our last day here in Valle de Bravo. It's been a great stay, and everybody enjoyed it here, just like we knew they would. 12 days is almost not enough time though! Two more days would have been nice.

But, we have reservations for Mexico City for Friday and Saturday night so it's time to move on!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Well that was a fantastic way to start the new year!

Valle de Bravo is a popular area for paragliding. It started back in the 1980's with hang gliding, but now you don't see any hang gliders... it's all paragliding. The wind conditions are near perfect and consistent every day from November through March.

This is our sixth time here in Valle de Bravo, so we've seen the paragliders doing their thing and we've always wanted to try it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy 2019!

Yesterday was a rest day. I took some time to take apart and clean our roof vents, something that needs to be done once a year or so. I think there was still some Dempster Highway dust up there!

And Ruth and I walked into nearby El Arco to pick up a few things for our wine and cheese New Years Eve happy hour. Otherwise, not much going on yesterday, so we thought we would present a different perspective for you...

Monday, December 31, 2018

Sometimes in Mexico you never quite know how something is going to happen...

Three years ago, Ruth and I had hopped on some local transportation and done a day trip to a waterfall. We suggested the trip to the group, and 10 of us decided to go. But it's tough to use local transport for a group of ten, so we contacted the same minibus company that had taken us to the butterflies, and they sent a van to pick us up at 10:00am.

But before we left, we had some laundry to do...

Sunday, December 30, 2018

What a great way to start off the new year!

From November through February there are near perfect daily conditions for paragliding here in Valle de Bravo. And with the fantastic views, this makes Valle de Bravo a world class paragliding location. Every single day at this time of year they are paragliding off the top of nearby Monte Alto.

 And every time we've been here we've thought about going paragliding.

Yesterday, we went to the central area and put down a deposit!