Multi use pathway beside the Bow River at Cochrane, Alberta.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Cochrane, Alberta.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Ottawa on September 29th.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Splishin' and a splashin'!

What a fun day we had yesterday!

We had stayed overnight Thursday night at the Parque Acuatico Las Fuentes (Water Park) in the middle of nowhere near Colotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. And we planned on staying overnight Friday night as well to give ourselves a full day of Friday fun at the water park.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Terrible roads and fantastic scenery!... photos updated!

We set off at 8:00am from Etzatlan.

We had to head through the outskirts of the big city of Guadalajara in order to take our exit road heading north to Zacatecas. This was going to be a new route for Ruth and I, and of course the rest of the group as well... normally we would take the Mex 54 highway heading north through Aguascalientes... but this time, we were happy to try something new for us.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

One of Mexico's amazing natural wonders...

Yesterday, we did a day trip to Piedras Bola... the Stone Balls. It's a little known natural phenomenon that apparently has only happened in two other places in the world.

And it's not easy to get to!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

And then there were six

Our Mexico RV Caravan is getting smaller as Brian and Kathy headed to the beach this morning. They live in British Columbia and decided to take the shorter (for them) west coast route out of Mexico.

So now we are only six rigs and 10 people!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Yet another fantastic day in Mexico

Yesterday morning at 9:00am we set out with our hiking partners Bob and Denise, with a goal of getting to the overlook behind the town of Etzatlan. Ruth and I have done this walk before, and it winds through the valley with a steady uphill gain on a quiet dirt road.

Once again, it was a beautiful day with clear blue skies. High 28C (82F), low 9C (48F).

Monday, March 18, 2019

And now we are seven...

Our group of eight RVs in this Mexico RV Caravan is now down to seven. Sadly, we said goodbye to Garth ( ) as his sister came up to join him to the trip down to Puerto Vallarta to visit family.

Also, he lives in California, so it makes sense for him to head up the west coast to California instead of up to Laredo and then through Texas.

Sunday, March 17, 2019


We are close to the famous town by the name of Tequila... only about 40 kms (25 miles) away. But we've decided not to take the group there. Ruth and I have been before, and we found it a bit touristy, and with touristy prices to go along with it.

So instead, we found a local distillery in the next town. And what a great choice that was!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Only two weeks left!

We originally had five nights planned here at Delia's Trailer Park in Etzatlan. But there is so much to see and do here, and everybody likes it so we are extending our stay to seven nights.

Another reason that we have this flexibility is that we had been planning on visiting the city of Aguascalientes, but there is only one RV option close to the city and they have told me that they only have three available sites. So we've changed the route a little bit and we are cancelling Aguascalientes. That left us with a few extra nights.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Happy to be back in Etzatlan!

Yesterday, we did the drive from Chimulco Water Park in Villa Corona to Delia's Trailer Park in Etzatlan. Uneventful drive, but we took the route through the mountains just for the views. Ruth and I have been this way a couple of times before.

We think this is our fourth or fifth visit to Etzatlan.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Time for a change of scenery

Well, we had a pretty good week at Chimulco Water Park here in Villa Corona. But, a week in one spot is enough...we have more of Mexico to show these people!

So we're moving on to see Bonnie at Delia's Trailer Park in Etzatlan. It's a farming town with a population around 17,000 and it's located only 45 kms (28 miles) from the popular tourist town of Tequila.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Pizza Party!

Tuesday is market day in Villa Corona, so a bunch of us walked into town. We had actually planned on having lunch there, but we were a bit early for lunch so we just picked up some fruits and veggies and walked back.

Also, it was pizza day! We had made a plan to have pizza for dinner for the group, so we stopped by Mr. Bigs Pizza to place our order and have it delivered later in the day, but the place wasn't open yet.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

First thing we saw was Mexico's national bird

We had found an old dirt road that went from here at Villa Corona all the way to the town of Estipac 10kms away.

So yesterday morning we set out at 8:00am with our hiking partners Bob and Denise. It sure is nice to have some people in the group who are avid hikers like ourselves!

Monday, March 11, 2019

That's a lot of bull!

A relaxing morning for the most part yesterday, then at 11:00am we got together with whoever wanted to join us for a walk into the central area of the town of Villa Corona. Walking, it is 1.5 kms (just under a mile) one way to the central plaza. Some people took a moto-taxi.... one of those three wheeled combo motorcycle taxicabs.

We wanted to try to get to the Sand Church.... Templo de Arena. It's just one of those oddball small town attractions here in Mexico that you won't see anywhere else in the world.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Saturday is still a work day for a lot of people in Mexico...

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day.

We started it off with a 9 km (5.6 mile) hike. There were 7 of us to start off. We didn't really have a destination in mind, other than heading out along a causeway to see some bird life in a marshy area near the park.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

I can see!

Yesterday, we took six other members of our RV Caravan group into the big city of Guadalajara. We are staying at Villa Corona for 7 nights, so Ruth and I wanted to get into Guadalajara the first full day in this area so that I could try to order some new eyeglasses and have them ready by the time we leave.

The last pair I had were from Zenni Optical online in June 2017. They were pretty flimsy and the lenses were getting scuffed up. I really needed a new pair of glasses, and I think my prescription had changed as well.

Friday, March 8, 2019

The deal is done!

Well, the money has arrived in the Swiss couple's bank account and we have officially purchased an RV in Australia! They will bring the rig to the storage place on Monday where it will sit until our arrival around May 20th.

Many of you made suggestions on how to transfer the money.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

A lot can change in only three years!

Yesterday was another relax day. Ruth went into town with a couple of the others to pick up some stuff at the market. This area produces a lot of berries... raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries and they are so delicious and inexpensive.

And while she was doing that, Sherman and I spent some quality time together.