Walking along the Rideau Canal in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 1st.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Day trip to the silver town of Taxco

Yesterday, the group split up and did different things. Larry and Martha have their daughter and a friend visiting for a couple of days, and they planned a trip to the nearby silver mining town of Taxco. Denise, Jim, and Ruth decided to join them.

Bob and I stayed behind, as did Garth, Roy, and Sue. Roger and Mona, and Aron and Owenita went out for a 3 hour bike ride.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

The saga continues...

If you haven't read part one of our travel day to Cuernavaca, you might want to check that out first...


So, when we left you off there, it was about 4:00pm on Tuesday. I had just returned with Jim to the Lagunas de Zempoala National Park where the rest of the group had been waiting. They had been there for maybe two hours or so.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The day started off great... and went downhill from there!

What a day we had... one that we don't want to repeat.

It started off great. We left at 9:00am and had an easy drive up the toll road leading up from Valle de Bravo to the next toll highway that bypasses the north part of the city of Toluca. Lots of great scenery and blue skies. There isn't much traffic on the toll road until you get close to the city itself.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Last day in Valle de Bravo... out on the lake!

Yesterday was a free day with nothing official planned for the group. I spent the morning puttering around Sherman checking the tire pressure and then cleaning out some of the lower compartments and my tool box... just generally straightening things up.

For lunch, we went up to a taco joint down the road. Sammy's... some of the group had gone there last year and enjoyed it, and some had already gone this year but Ruth and I had never been.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Market day in Valle de Bravo

Our original schedule had us leaving Valle de Bravo yesterday (Sunday), but everyone is enjoying themselves by the lake so we decided to stay an extra couple of days. Really like the fact that we have a fairly flexible schedule... after all, it's all about enjoying your time and not feeling rushed.

Yesterday was market day in Valle de Bravo and we needed to stock up on some fruits and veggies.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Surprise trip to Toluca

Just getting caught up on the daily blog posts because... there wasn't one yesterday. Not often that we miss a day, but there was just too much going on. So if you missed yesterday's post about our paragliding fun, you can read all about it here...


We got up on Saturday morning with plans to go to the top of the Toluca Volcano. Ruth and I had been there in 2013 and we figured this would be a fun excursion for the group.

Another fantastic paragliding flight

Last year on January 1st, we took some of the group paragliding. What a great way to start off 2019! I thought the flight was fantastic, and was really looking forward to doing it again.

I was not let down by my second flight. In fact, it was even better than the first!

Valle de Bravo is a world class paragliding destination, and it's one of the reasons that the area gets a lot of international visitors.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Filet Mignon for dinner!

Yesterday before lunch, Ruth and I took the collectivo taxi into Valle de Bravo. We had a few errands to run, including booking some of the group for another paragliding flight like the one we did on January 1st last year.

First stop was the bank to pick up some more pesos, then right beside the bank was a really busy street taco stand where we each had two tacos for lunch.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Yet another visit to the butterflies

With clear sky all around Valle de Bravo, it looked like a perfect day to visit the butterflies again. This time, nine of us headed to the Cerro Pelon Reserve near the town of El Capulin. We rented a van and driver to take us there.

For Ruth and I, this was our 7th visit to see the butterflies over the years. And, our fourth different sanctuary.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A relaxing day by the lake

After such a busy day on Monday, Tuesday was a bit of a relax day. I did some planning for our future stops and got caught up on some computer work in the morning.

The newer people in our group took off into Valle de Bravo to do some exploring, while the others walked into nearby El Arco to pick up some things.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Never a dull moment!

Well, that was an interesting day!

You never know what's going to happen on a travel day, so we always try to get an early enough start so that if anything goes wrong you have lots of daylight hours to fix it.

Yesterday, we only had about an 80 km (50 mile) drive, so we didn't leave Zitacuaro until 10:00am.

Monday, January 20, 2020

An odd propane problem

Yesterday was a day off for the group, with nothing official planned. However, we are very close to the small city of Zitácuaro (pop 200,000) so some of the group decided to hop on the collectivo and go into town.

Ruth and I have driven right by Zitácuaro several times, but have never made a stop. This time, we had some other things on the go and just decided not to go. Zitácuaro will have to wait for another time.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Not the best visit to the monarch butterflies

But, it's still a fascinating experience.

This was our sixth visit to see the monarch butterfly wintering grounds in the mountains west of Mexico City. And our second visit to the El Rosario sanctuary. Depending on which article you read, there are anywhere between 8 and 16 known locations, but only 4 of them are open to the public. We have now been to Sierra Chincua twice, Piedra Herrada twice, and El Rosario twice. We have not yet visited Cerro Pelón, however that may change over the next week!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Mexico RV Caravan Travel Day - Patzcuaro to Zitacuaro

With a 9:00am start on the schedule we were up early getting Sherman ready to go. As always, everybody was ready on time, and we set out towards the big city of Morelia (pop 650,000).

We didn't really want to have to drive through the city, but the only other route option would have had us taking toll roads for most of the day. And we wanted the group to be able to see the fantastic scenery from old highway 15 going through the mountains east of Morelia.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Out exploring, and time to move on

Yesterday, some of us just hung around the campground and some of us went exploring. Ruth took off with Roger, Mona, Aron, Owenita, and Denise to go see Lago de Zirahuén.

I never left the campground.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Out for a hike, and Ruth's new glasses

We set out at 9:45am for a hike to Estribo Grande... an old volcanic hill overlooking Patzcuaro. There is a mirador (lookout) there, as well as 472 steps leading up to another lookout.

We decided to do the route that goes up and around the other side of the volcano, and then down the 472 steps.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The copper artisan town of Santa Clara del Cobre

Sorry for the delayed posting. Didn't get out of bed on time, and then had a few other things to do on the internet and time just ran out!

On Tuesday, we took the group to Santa Clara del Cobre. This town is famous or it's artisans who make products out of copper. There used to be a mine in the area, but now all copper used to produce the products is recycled copper that come mostly in the form of copper wire before it is melted down.